Not fully gone.

810 6 4

-intersex mafuyu

It's only been 9 months since yukis death,mafuyu sat on the couch kadema laying next to him as he watched TV.
He munched on popcorn with one hand rested on his bump.
Twelve weeks after his ex-boyfriend yuki yoshida funeral,Mafuyu found himself pregnant.
Despite it all he wouldn't get rid of the baby,it was yukis. He couldn't.
Hiragii and shizu came over frequently to check on him,often encouraging him to meet new people after the baby's born. Mafuyu sat in silence and nodded,most likely to just make hiragii stop saying that.
H:-So how much longer till it's time?
Mafuyu looked down and rubbed his bump.
M:-At least 8 weeks?
H:-Thats great,I can't wait to see the baby.
Mafuyu sighed.
Hiragii and shizu have tried to make mafuyu happier,but to no avail.
Hopefully the arrival of the baby might bring a smile to his face once more.
Shizu and hiragii decided to stay the night. Mafuyus mom was on a business trip for the next 10 weeks sadly,so shizusumi and hiragii decided to stay with mafuyu. They set up there bed,and went to sleep.
H:-Hey mafuyu?
H:-Where in the other room so just holler if you need anything,Kay?
Mafuyu nodded and curled up in his blankets.

Hiragii awoke to mafuyu screaming.
S:-W-Was that mafuyu?
The two walked into the kitchen where the noise came from,only to find mafuyu crouched on the floor in a pile of fluids.
M:-M-My water broke.
Hiragii looked at shizu.
H:-Call an ambulance,NOW!
Shizusumi grabbed his phone and called 911.
Hiragii held mafuys hand all the way to hospital which thankfully wasn't to far away. 

Hiragii and shizusumi where in the waiting room.
H:-What if the baby looks like yuki?
Shizusumi looked at him.
S:-Maybe it will maybe not,but I'm sure mafuyu will love them no matter what.
This reassured hiragii enough to fall asleep on shizusumi shoulder.

The wailing of an infant,echoed through out the hallway,hiragii stood up.
N:-Mafuyu did it,He has a healthy girl.
Hiragii and shizusumi walked in to see.
Mafuyu cradled the baby girl in his arm and..smiling.
M:-She looks like me.
The baby hair had a darker shade of orange.
There was no doubt in either minds that mafuyu loved his daughter to death.
H:-Whats her name?
Mafuyu looked at the small bundle in his arms.
M:-Yukina,Yukina sato.

8 weeks later.
H:-Are you sure you feel good enough for a walk?
M:-It will just one walk around the park,kadema needs a walk and I want to take yukina on a walk.
H:-Just be carefull,call me if you need help.
Mafuyu nodded.

Mafuyu walked to the dog park to let kadema off his leash and play with other dogs,while he fed yukina(Bottled milk)
Yukina began crying she was being fussy and wouldn't go to sleep.
M:-Shhhh it's okay,kadema is gonna play for a bit then we'll go home for a nap.
Yukina just kept fussing.
?:-You need help?
Mafuyu looked over to see a guy about his age,
He had balck hair,ocean blue eyes he was masculine yet he didn't look like an athlete.
Mafuyu gave yukina to the man,who got her to sleep and put her in her stroller.
M:-Wow,she went to sleep so quickly thank you.
?:-No problem I have a baby brother as well.
M:-No um..this is my daughter.
The man looked shocked.
He's my age but has a baby?
?:-where's her mom?
Mafuyu looked down and started to tear up.
M:-He died before she was born.
?:-Oh i-im sorry.
M:-Its ok.
?:-Its Uenoyama by the way.
Kadema walked over knowing it was time to leave.
As mafuyu was leaving.
Uenoyama walked over.
U:-Hey what school do you go to?
M:-_______(IDK the schools name lol)
U:-I go to that same school.
M:-Then I guess I'll see you at school.

H:-You where longer then you said you'd be.
S:-You look happy,did something happen?
M:-no not much.
Mafuyu was blushing as he fell asleep thinking about the guy.
Let's meet again Kay?

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