Our ocean

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I've only watched the movie sadly the manga is banned in my house🥲
Mio mums name is unknown so I made it up.

Mio paced the halls of the hospital panicked,
How did this happen I the first place we only did it that once ONCE and I get him pregnant?! Dad did you feel like this when mom was in labour with me?
Before Mio and Shun left shuns aunts then had sex,nothing thought about it there boyfriends,couples do that thing. But Mio ended up get Shun pregnant.
Now mio was in the hospital waiting for the baby to be born,the docters took Shun into the delivery room about an hour ago but every second felt like an hour.
He sat in the chair thinking,what shoukd we name the baby? Would they look like me or shun? A scream was faintly heard from the delivery room.
Its my fault this happend I feel bad-
An idea came to him.
Her name was miyuki
Doc:-Mio chibana?
The docters voice startled mio but immediately jolted up.
Doc:-Shun made it,Congratulations it's a healthy little girl.
Mio walked into the room where shun laid holding the baby girl.
M:-Shun..She's beautiful.
Shun smiled.
S:-She looks like you,
Do you want to hold her?
Mio nodded.
He folded his arms and Shun gently moved her into mios arms.
M:-She's so small.
Shun was mesmerized.
S:-What shoukd we name her?
Mio looked at Shun then at the baby.
M:-Well my moms name was miyuki,we met at the ocean. So how about yukai?
S:-That's perfect.

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