You think i knew

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Basically hiragii had no clue he was pregnant.

Hiragi woke up in his bed,yawning just as he got out of bed he felt it.
Indescribable pain.
I hurt ALOT but not unbearably. He knelt down breathing in and out till the pain stopped.
"Hiragi,dear are you ok?!"
Hiragi mom walked into his room after hearing him crash to the ground.
"Mom I'm fine,ok?I'll just stay home from school."
His mom agreed.
"Call me If things get really bad,love you baby."
"Love you too mom." He said under his breath.
The day went semi smoothly,the pain kept happening almost worse and worse.
"Shizu,it's really bad my mom has a night shift,a-and I don't to worry her."
He ended up calling his boyfriend shizusumi,maybe the presence of his alpha would help him.
"Sure I have some things to finish here but I'll be as quick as I can."
"Kay,hurry." Hiragi hung up. By now the pain was so bad he had to bite into cloth to stop him from screaming and alarming the neighbors.
He managed his way into kitchen to get some water. As he was he felt something drop.
"W-W-what was-"
Then the same pain emerged again but 10x worse.
He couldn't help it he screamed. He went onto Google right now it was the only thing he could think of. Searching up everything he felt all day and what just happend,
The only thing that came up. Was that it was a sign that your labor.
"This is bullshh-AUGH."
He couldn't deny it I really felt like it.
But I wasn't showing,I mean did have a long period where I got sick alot but how-
He had no time to think he set up a warm bath and hopped inside.
Shizusumi pov
3 hours later
"That took longer then i thought."
Shizusumi knocked on the door. Waited a minute no answer,knocked again,no answer."Hiragi?"
Now he was worried was this pain something else?
He remembered his mom hides a key in the flowers. He grabbed the key and walked in.
He wandered the house.
He Bagan to walk upstairs calling his name. Just before the 7 step,he heard a baby cry.
"Hiragi?!" He was in full panic mode. He ran into the bathroom,met with a sight he'll replay forever.
"I didn't know shizu,I'm sorry."
Hiragi cried while cradling a baby against his naked chest.
Shizusumi frozed and stepped back,then ran out.
Hiragi cried more against the baby.
Then shizusumi ran back into the bathroom holding a two towels.
Picking up the baby and wrapping him in the towel. Picking Hiragii up after wrapping him a towel and handing the baby to him. Carry him to his bed,As shizu cleaned him up a little and putting clean comfy pajamas on him. He cleaned up the baby cutting the umbilical cord. "Shizu..your-not mad?" Shizu looked at him as he handed the baby back to him.
"No of course not."
Shizu rubbed his cheek on the sleeping newborn in Hiragiis arms.
"I didint expect this but,i wouldn't changer it for the world." He said with a smile. "Also I checked and it's a boy. Hiragi cried some more,"Thank you,i-i love y-you much." He managed to say between tears. Shizusumi was on his phone looking at cribs.
"Its my baby a part of our family." Hiragi smiled between tears at his response.
"I need to find a crib asap,he needs to sleep somewhere." Hiragi kissed the baby on the head."How about I name you keseki?"

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