Soukoku pt.2

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"Chuuya, I can do a couple dishes at least dry?" Dazai moaned to Chuuya who was now his Fiancé. "No, Go lay down you need rest the babies are due in six weeks." He replies in a very stern voice. "Just once? Please?" Dazai nuzzles into his neck. "Why cant you be this persistent to help with chores when your not pregnant?" Chuuya sighs. "Fine only because i have to do the laundry too." Dazai smiles. "Thank you!" he gets right to it. "Weird ass." Chuuya murmurs and kisses Dazai's cheek. It was barely an hour later when he hears Dazai scream.

"Dazai?" Chuuya calls out to the kitchen. "Chuu-ya, Help" A weak voice came from the kitchen. Without even thinking Chuuya jumps off the bed to Dazai's side. "Dazai what happened?!" He notices a wet puddle underneath him. "Shit- Already?" Dazai nods clutching his abdomen. "Okay okay, shit I'll carry you to the c-" "No! its too late, there coming out now and unless you want them born in the backseat of your trash on wheels where doing this here!" Chuuya was taken aback by this comment, but agreed. "A-alright, at least let me get you to the bed." Chuuya picked him up a little difficult combined with there size difference and Dazai's baby bump. 

Placing him the bed shoving off the laundry "Chuuya I need water, Please?"Chuuya nodded. as Chuuya left Dazai got up and locked the door. He loved Chuuya but he really didn't want him here right now, he wanted to e alone and calm himself down from the sudden labor. "Dazai?" "I'm sorry i just wanna be alone right now okay?" Chuuya didn't reply. "Okay, do you want the water?" Dazai smiled. "Yes please. he unlocked to door and  grabbed the water. "Just keep it unlocked if you need me okay?" Chuuya asked. "Okay." Dazai replied. 

Two hours passed and finaly Dazai was ready to push. "Chu-u-ya, I-I think there stuck." Chuuya checked between his Legs. "Okay dont panic, but there in the wrong position, I can move them but I need you to be still okay?"  Dazai gulped. "Thats gonna hurt?" Chuuya nodded. Dazai laid back down. "Just get the them o-OW of-me." he pulled a breath in through his teeth. "Okay." "GAH!" Chuuya pushed the stomach in and slowly repositioned baby 1. "Okay there PUSH!" Chuuya called out. Dazai pushed with every ounce of strength until he heard Baby 1 cry. "You did it, Chuuya holds them up. Its a girl." Dazai cry's and reaches out for her before he screams remembering there was two. Chuuya carefully puts the first baby on a towel and goes back beside Dazai, Thankfully for them the second was easier but still caused a small tear. 

The two laid in bed again staring a the two girls that where just  born, The older one with brown eyes and hair, A spinning image of Dazai. He chose to call her Annabelle. The  younger with orange hair and brown eyes Dazai named Isabelle.

@Stilesstillinki1 Thanks for this request.

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