Thorns of life

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Thank you scarlet an violet for giving these two gay ass himbos. Now i'm gonna make it depressing

Brassius has always been a sick kid, He was homeschooled and spent most of his days inside. His only friend was his mom's pokemon and his art, He did a lot of art the only thing that he enjoyed doing growing up. As a teenager he convinced his parents to send him to Uva academy where he excelled in art and showed a talent in pokemon battles. Champion geeta even recognized it and appointed him as a  gym leader obviously he said yes and moved to artazon become a grass gym leader while still making art.  He met his boyfriend, Hassle in art class one day and the rest was history. 

Brassius fell sick constantly throwing over slight things but neither him or Hassel raised alarms as Brassius got sick a lot, But soon his sickness faded at least not as bad as it used to be but other signs showed alarms. Brassius found he was pregnant for at least 2/1 months. because of how sick he can get this was a HUGE danger not just to him but also his unborn baby. Hassel stayed by his side through out the whole thing but Geeta threatened Brassius saying she'd revoke his gym leader status if he did not return to the gym, Hassel told her he's pregnant and not safe to return but she didn't care, She revoked Hassels E4 status and Brassius gym leader status.  Hassel and brassius could not complain that it was better than risking Brassius or their babies health.

Soon enough the  day they both feared and anticipated arrived. 

"Hassel I-It,"He sighed heavily,"It hurts." Hassel walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "It's gonna be alright brassie." Brassius groaned as another contraction warmed over him.  "Hassel?" Brassius sat up.  "Yeah?" Hassel asked. "If anything happens to me don't try to save my life Save our kids first." Hassel looked at brassius in shock and fear. "No no i'm not going to lose you!" Hassel yelled at Brassius. Brassius coughed. "Hassel only if something did happen I'm not saying something will I said IF."  Hassel cried but nodded.  "Then promise me you'll fight for your damn life and I'll focus on saving our kid okay?" Hassel said cupping Brassius cheek. "Okay." 

Hassel held Brassius hand and baby bump as he was wheeled into the OR room,"I love you." they said to each other as they were separated by the OR room doors.  Hassel paced for two hours slept for another hour and continued pacing . out of nowhere there was yelling and babies cries from the OR room Brassius was in,It took all of Hassles strength not to burst through the doors. A nurse walked out with gloves covered in blood. Hassel looked in fear at the gloves. the nurse must have noticed and removed them. "H-Hows brassius, The baby?" he asked. The nurse sighed. "Good news or Bad news?" Hassel hesitated. "Bad.?" Brassius is not doing well he's very weak, His in a coma right now We can't tell when or if he will wake." Hassel started to cry. "The good news,Your baby girl is healthy as can be." she said with a nervous smile. Hassel sat down hand covering his face. "Can-can I see the baby? "Of course."

Hassle craddled the small girl in his arms  Her sunflora themed room was dimly lit Hassel hummed a lullaby to his daughter,lilith. He slowly got up and placed her in her crib she lay curled up to a frigibax plushie Poppy bought for her and the sunkern one Brassius mother knitted for her. he placed a kiss on her forehead and left to let her sleep. "Brassy,what are you doing?" he asked Brassius was sitting in bed with his appletun. "He stole my sandwich." Brassius said. Hassel laughed. "I'm glad you're feeling better." Brassius nodded. Me too my mom kept calling me i finally got her to relax.  Hassel hugged him from behind. and kissed his neck. 

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