unexpected everything

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-Possible angst?

"You'll never be able to predict what izaya will do next."
A little secret of izaya and shizuo is that there dating,you'd never expect it there always at each other's throats and are practically polar  opposites. None the less there are,Shinra and celty know but no one else. Shira was about to tell the two some alarming news that they never expect.
Sh-:Well this isn't very common and I haven't seen it before I'll ask my dad but,Izaya your pregnant.
Shizuo and izaya just look at Shinra wide eyed.
S:-Thats not funny male's can't get pregnant.
Sh:-Well izaya here seems to be a rare case.
Shizuo looked at izaya,
He was shocked to see him crying and resting a hand on his stomach.
I:-I want to keep it.
Shizuo pretty much threw his head towards Izaya.
S:-W-What no way,you can't who knows what complications there will be.
Sh:-Well actually it's should be as normal as a woman's pregnancy.
S:-Well still I'm not ready for this,you can't keep it.
Izaya looked down.
I:-Am I carrying the it or are you?
S:-Uh you?
I:-Then don't tell me what to do with it its my in my body I'll decide what to do with it,and I want to keep it.
Shira look shook at izaya suddenly snapping like this.
I:-So if you don't want it then leave I have no problems raising it alone.
Shizuo just stood there for a few seconds then walked out.
Izaya began crying.
Izaya pov
No I can't raise it on my own,I just said that so he'd leave. Idiot.
No ones pov
Sh:-Izaya I support you.
I:-Thanks shinra
Five months later
Izaya spent most of his time at Shinra apartment. He didint feel like going back to his place,his secretary wasn't told why.
Izaya laid In the bed cradling his bump,he is five months pregnant now and though Shizuo abandoned him a small part of him wishes he was here.
Sh:-Izaya I got some cfk.
I:-Help I can't get up.
Midway in the fourth month It started to get more difficult to get up out of bed and off the couch.
Celty grabbed his hand and helped him out of bed.
C:-Your lucky Shinra is here most of the time.
I:-Yeah I know.
This was the new normal for Izaya.
*Someone knocks at the door*
I:-I'll get it.
Sh:-I cam get it you go and eat.
I:-No it's fine,I'm not disabled.
Izaya walked to the door,opening it.
He froze.
It was shizuo.
Izaya gripped one hand around his bump,cradling it from harm.
S:-I won't harm the baby.
I:-Why are you here you choose this is not for you,don't come crawling back now.
Shizuo looked down seeing how enlarged Izaya's belly has gotten.
S:-Izaya look I had some time to think an I'm sorry I left,I was afraid I'd turn up like my dad,a drunk.
Izaya looked at him and motioned for him to keep explaining.
S:-You don't need to forgive me,I just wanted to let you know If you,the kid needs something I'll be here so you don't need to forgive me.
Shizuo Bagan to walk away.
Izaya stood at the door.
Shizuo turned his head around to see izaya running toward him.
S:-Izaya,Be carefull you could-
Suddenly izaya slipped,tumbling down the stairs on his back.
Izaya pov
Ugh dizzy my head hurts,
Everything Is going black-
No ones pov
Shizuo gently picked the passed out izaya up and bolted to Shinra apartment.
S:-Its izaya he ran after me and slipped on the stairs.
Sh:-Get him on this table,Celty can you get my equipment please?
Celty nodded.
Shizuo waited in the living room,
Shizuo pov
Why did he run after me.? Why he got hurt,And what if it hurt our baby?
He froze.
Did I just say our baby?
No pov
Shinra walked out of the room.
Sh:-He'll be fine some cuts and bruises and he passed out from stress.
C:-Why where you here in the first place?
S:-I wanted to talk to him.
Sh:-Go in and talk to him then.
Shizuo nodded and walked in.
Izaya was sitting on the bed,rubbing his bump and talking to the baby.
I:-I'm so sorry there was a puddle I didn't mean to stress you out.
Shizuo smilled at this.
I:-Shizuo are you smiling?
Shizuo stiffened up.
Izaya giggled at this.
Shizuo walked over to Izaya and held is hand.
S:-You don't deserve to forgive me now.
Izaya looked out the window and sighed.
I:-I can forgive you,you won't be like your dad I know you won't.
Shizuo jumped it izayas arms and kissed him.
Through out the next four months shizuo was with Izaya as much as he could,he got a job at a fast food restaurant along with anger management.
But allways made sure to make time for Izaya
In there new apartment two floors above Shinras. Even if it ment random mood swings getting up in the middle of the night for his cravings and random urges to cuddle. Before the two knew it it was time to meet there baby.
S:-I'm calling Shinra.
I:-God it hurts so bad.
Shizuo rubbed his back and talked to him.
Sh:-I'm here.
I:-God finnaly,this is hell get it out of me.
S:-Its okay.
Sh:-Your fully dilated,you can start pushing.
I:-Oh god.
Shizuo grabbed his hand and kissed his forehead.
S:-You can do this.
Izaya smiled at him and began to push.
Minutes turned to hours.
Izaya was pushing so much.
I:-I can't do it anymore.
S:-Come on you can I've seen you do amazing things I know you can do this.
Izaya nodded shaking.
With one last push he felt the baby pop out.
S+I:-Oh my god.
Sh:-Its...A BOY.
Izaya cried tears of happiness seeing his son in his arms.
This was short lived.
Just then he felt the same pain again.
Shinra checked him.
Sh:-OK there's a second one.
Izaya groaned and screamed.
Shizuo took the boy into his arms.
Again Izaya started to push and about and hour or so the second baby.
Sh:-Another boy.
Izaya took him in his arms.
For now they just wanted to be alone with them.
Izaya named the first one,Kitano
And shizuo named the second one,Kotaro.

Authors note
My god this took the longest. This is my longest one yet thank you so much for reading this

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