Awake and confused

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Mountain Base's Clinic


I looked around the white-colored room, still pretty dazed from the amount of sleeping coma I've probably been too. My eyes are still not accustomed to the bright light. I winced a little, then noticed an interesting fact...

I was almost completely covered by pipes connected to my body. That... is not good, I guess.

But beside that, I was feeling pretty good. I don't have any problems with breathing nor am I feeling any pain. The amount of pipes is still a concerning sight. Maybe in a minute someone will come here and-

A door to the clinic suddenly opened and Dr. Deuss walked into the room, clearly more focused on the spread sheet of paper in her hand than in me. Here it is !

After a couple of seconds, she looked at me and freezed. My green eyes met her „eye-screen" when I gave her a deadpan gaze.

FDL : ...mind removing those pipes from me ?

Dr.Deuss : F-florian !

She ran towards the edge of my bed, clearly moved by my awakement.

Dr.Deuss : We were so worried !-

FDL : Yeah, I know, I know. Now, pipes ?

Dr.Deuss : Hm, alright. Those things were about to wake you when you're good to go, so I guess it's alright. Don't overdo yourself though, oke ?

She began removing the pipes, which, well, HURT. Goddamn, she could be a little more gentle with these things. After around two minutes I was free from this aluminum prison with only a couple of marks on my body. Besides that, I was good as new.

FDL : Nice to be back. Did something happen while I was sleeping ? And... What about the attacker ? Did you capture her ?

Dr.Deuss : W-well...


Oh my god.

Oh my fucking god.

I'm now stuck in the middle of the shitstorm. I must gather reports about all of this, and quickly. Deuss told me about everything – from the attack to the assault of the weird tentacle thing. Additionally, Earth finally caught up on news, and I now have a couple of interviews to do with some top media platforms. I wonder what my dad thinks about it... We haven't seen each other since that hospital visit. I was too busy...

Now, when it comes to J...

No, first, the essentials – Shower, Food. After that... It'll be time to confess. Or, at least, try to do so. When it comes to it, she was strangely happy with me taking her to prom. And all that acts I took as just showing loyalty. Truly strange.

Anyway – Food and shower ! And clothes, because when I looked down on myself, I was half-naked, with only a pair of shorts covering my body.

FDL : Can you send somebody to deliver my clothes here ?

Dr.Deuss : Oh, yeah, sure.

She quickly left the chamber, leaving me alone.

It'll be a long day.


I walked through the corridors of the base, checking on any internal damage. Thankfully, nothing seems to be irreparably broken and the oil stans, now quickly cleaned by drones, seemed to be the only evidence that those events took place. I've gained a lot of looks when I was passing by – those drones are probably shocked about the speed of my recovery. That new tech is really something else...

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