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- they just came back from  the theme park  from the morning time they went on so many rides and now they are taking a small break having lunch -

fumiya and etienne were giggling  sharing their food with each other 


'' is everything going okay here family?'' the waitress asked 

'' ah yes ma'am thank you actually can we have extra napkins '' dazai asked 

'' oh sure coming right up what kind do you want''

'' what do you mean?''

'' well you have light year , princess theme  all kinds for the little ones''

'' ah um okay one minute   littlest ones want light year or  princess themed napkins '' dazai asked 

'' both princess and light year '' dai yu and dai lu responded 

'' we'll have both thank you''

'' no problem '' the lady walked off 

 a few minutes  later the lady came back  with the napkins  and handed them to dazai  and he passed them down to  the babies 

''  when you get ready to go do you want to go boxes or no?''

''ah uncle what do you think?''

'' well everyone was hungry i see my reflection in the plates so no  but ask the women down there if the babies are okay''

 dazai had got up and did it and came   back  and said no 

'' oh sir i could have done that ''

'' no its fine  um but yeah no need to bring the to go boxes but um may we get the check'' 

'' sure ''

 the lady came back and handed them the check  dazai paid for it and  they all headed out 

going to more rides


'' okay our meet up spot is here okay at this restaurant  everyone agrees?''harvey announced 

'' yes'' everyone said then went their separate ways 

 max and aimee were taking pictures of each other freya also was taking videos of them with samuel 

'' guys lets go on the swings !'' freya said excited they all ran to them  and they all rode the swings  together  then headed to a water ride  and got wet 

'' okay where else ?'' samuel asked excited 

'' lets go to the pirates of the carribeans '' max said wiggling her fingers trying to be scary  the others  just booed her and pulled her along 

 they spotted their family members there  sakari zayna adonis  armel and noe they ran up to them 

 they scared them laughing 

'' hey guys wassup'' noe hugged them 

'' sup '' they all responded

'' how come you guys are wet?'' sakari asked 

'' we went on a water ride '' freya said  leaning on  samuel 

'' oh which one ''

'' its the jurassic park one'' freya said

'' okay we will go to that one after this tea cup ride '' sakari said excited  they said okay  after the tea cup and water ride they walked around just taking pictures and running around with each other  noe had answered the call 

count downМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя