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-it was now july  and  the love birds were all having a blast being back in belgium  chuuya and dazai were being children running around  in the water parks and playing with the water guns -

'' guys be careful please of other people '' vanitas called drinking her drink  sighing  noe just giggled 

'' honey they are fine let them  have fun they aren't  children''

'' yes i know they aren't children but i gotta have someone to boss around i miss our kids already am i getting obsessed with them too if so oh well i pushed them out i have every right too humph'' vanitas said  feeling  justified  noe just chuckled at  his wife   and kissed her on the cheek and joined his cousin playing in the water park chuuya came over to her sister huffing  

'' having fun pup?'' vanitas asked looking up at her sister  smiling  seeing her sister smiling so brightly 

'' yes you should come too please~'' chuuya begged vanitas  caved she couldn't say no to her sister and it sucked  sometimes 

 she got up and came to the water and played in the sprinklers her and her sister played together feeling like little kids again  enjoying themselves their husbands watched in aw  they loved seeing their wives happy that was their top priority alongside their children   soon after they played at the water park they had  went to get some food after changing that is  they went to a restaurant  that was close to the hotel they stayed at  before when they were in high school  the girls took pictures  posted them on their instagrams they were in their world 

 after the day they went to the hotel and went in their separate rooms but the girls pulled a fast on  their husbands 

'' lady's come on let us in the rooms please '' both noe and dazai said sighing  with small smiles on their faces  they didnt get any response they just sighed  then they just waited til the door opened and it was noe and vanitas room door opened and not chuuya and dazai's which made them confused 

'' can i help you gentlemen?'' vanitas asked with a seductive tone 

'' um honey let me in the room please '' noe asked 

vanitas swung the open wider and smirked at him and walked to the bed  and sat down  keeping her eyes on him smiling  then the door had closed on its own  but no one was behind it noe became on guard 

'' vanitas what hell is going on '' noe asked 

vanitas didn't answer him and outstretched herself  on the bed and smiled at him 

'' boo'' vanitas said giggling 

'' what?'' noe said then he felt someone jump on him 

'' hi nio'' chuuya giggled vanitas  got out the bed slipping past him and went outside and  jumped on dazais back which scared him then he became relaxed 

'' hi zai~'' vanitas laughed and he just walked her in the room  the boys just sighed 

'' hi girls  '' they both said  trying not to laugh 

'' i want to be carried ''

'' me too '' chuuya complained and the guys couldn't take it and just held them 

'' okay but this going to sound weird and so unfaithful but wanna try kissing the opposite partner '' vanitas announced 

'' oh my god we have the same brain i was always curious of that'' chuuya said getting excited 

'' wait you want us to kiss each other like me and dazai and you and chuuya '' noe asked  confused 

'' no babe me and dazai and you and chuuya duh '' vanitas said playing with dazais already messy hair which made him kind of yawn  noe giggled 

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