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dazai's pov

 i woke to the sun raise shining in beautifully but it looked to be setting  i checked my phone and it read 4:40pm  and got out the bed and went to take a shower and was met with a noe who just got out  and said afternoon and he greeted back and headed out and  went in the shower stall washed my body and hair and got done and  headed out the bathroom and seen the girls come in and seen chuuya  was still upset so i didnt bother her and let her be and vanitas walked up  and pulled my arm and whispered that  she is fine and that shes just grumpy pants right now and i looked at  her and she was already staring at me i think i was delusional but her pupils had enlarged  and she stood with her leg crossed and had her hands behind her back tilting her head and  furrowed her brows at me   and looked me up and down  she captivated me then i got smacked by vanitas  i forgot she was talking ...

'' owh yea i heard you  um.. im gonna go and let you guys go  shower and i left and went to change but now that image of chuuya was stuck in my head now  i was so distracted  i just sat on noe's bed and kept running it in my head i groaned out of fraustration and noe had looked over to me and asked if i was okay 

 '' no no noo im not okay its the way she looked at me i don't know what it means damn i was captured in a spell or something  '' 

'' do explain futhure dazai '' noe said intrested 

'' she was already staring at me and her pupils  were dialated and she furrowed her brows at me but it was the head tilt mostly and she didnt even move her eyes and her stances was  very open and  vulnerable an-'' i stopped myself from talking when one of the girls came out and it had to be chuuya  she did it again she captivated me in her eyes the room felt slow  then she stopped walking and tilted her head again 

'' whats wrong zai?'' she said her voice sounding softer than usual  she furrowed  brows biting her lip 

'' i-i um nothing just go shower ... '' i said still holding my gaze with hers   she looked me up and down again slowly and spoke 

'' mhm~ okay ~'' she said going back to the shower room  i heard  her laughing  then i heard noe laughing at me 

'' bro i know you saw that ''

'' i did and vanitas use to do that alot to  me until she told me what it meant  so the first  time she did it  , it was right when you got out the shower right?''

'' right''

'' she liked what she was seeing and she was aroused  but she didnt want to be obvious so she tilted her to let you know not to be obvious either cause vanitas was there''

'' oh~ so what about now her voice was so gentle and softer than usual and the way she kept staring at me looking me up and down like she did ''

'' ah dazai your adorable it means shes just attracted to you and trying  to basically flirt without being obvious ''

'' but why was she sizing me up ''

'' now that I don't know ...'' noe said just as curious as i was the girls came out and me and noe looked at chuuyas body language  and  she  sat in a chair and  got her hair dried by vanitas and i looked down for a second and saw her eyes on me  and she slowly  looked me and up and down again and raised her brows at me a split second and tilted to the side and furrowed her brows at me and she groaned slightly  so i sat back prompted my self on the bed and manspreaded and she sat back against the chair and whispered something to vanitas and vanitas had lightly hit her arm and laughed  and dried off chuuyas bangs  and sent her on her way chuuya walked over to me shyly and stood in between my legs  and bit her fingering just staring at me  being shy 

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