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-the next day  some where still sleep while two were up  it was 10.00am -

noe's pov 

i stretched and looked over to see vanitas still sleeping so peacefully I turned over and rubbed her stomach and smiled at her leaving a kiss on her cheek and slipped out the  bed  and heard a tap on the door and went to answer it 

'' yes ? oh yeesh domi! ''i whisper yelled grabbing the closes shirt i could fine and put it on 

'' hehe sorry but get dressed real quick so we can go to the brunch '' domi giggled easing away cheeky  i just smiled at my cousin her ways havent changed that much and i closed the door and headed to take a shower  and got dressed  and headed out the room and seen domi was dressed as well

'' ready?'' she asked

'' yeah but where are we going and what about the others?''

'' i cant tell you and also  they'll be up later i promise now lets go '' she dragged me down stairs and we snuck out the house  

we climbed in the car and drove off domi had sat next to me all excited  hugging me  tightly giving me butterfly kisses like we were little again  i giggled at the feeling and tickled her to make her stop and she jolted off me and pouted 

'' noe!~~'' she complained 

'' domi~ im not little anymore '' i chuckled 

'' your still little to me  your my little cousin do i have to keep reminding you so?'' domi crossed her arms jutting her lip out more and turned away from me 

i hugged her and placed a kiss on her cheek and laid on her  she became excited and patted my head laying on me i recognized her scent  and i should have known from that day she came to the house and hugged her that it was her from the start but  im just glad to have her back now 

after what felt like years we arrived at our destination  and we got out and headed to a specific area of the restaurant and when i say i stopped moving and breathing   louis had walked over to us 

'' noe long time no see little cousin  how are you ?''

'' l-louis~~!!'' i hugged him like a little kid i didnt wanna let go but i did  i was so excited and cried a little but i was happy  i hugged domi and louis again just to make sure i wasn't sleeping still  they just smiled at me when i let go and we sat down and ordered  our food and and drinks i was eating so happily having my cousins with me and then ill be able to see my parents when i get back home 

'' noe you didnt answer my question silly '' louis spoke up i chewed my food  and swallowed and spoke 

'' ive been well im almost done with  college and i have a son he is adorable and im soon going to have a daughter soon and things and i have niece and soon nephew and i saw baby armel hes adorable as well he started walking and talking last night it was funny  but yeah everything's been going good how about you?'' i finished softly panting  both domi and louis were speechless then looked at each other back to me and laughed  i was confused 

''ah~ noe, noe  little cousin somethings  just never change '' louis kept laughing  domi had just giggled   

i soon realized i rambled for more squished everything together i do that a lot  when I'm excited  we continued to chat for a bit more  

'' so you have almost six kids louis?''

'' who fibbed? veronica? '' louis said kind of annoyed 

i nodded my head biting my fork 

'' no i only have 5 im not having any more after the twins we had three more and thats it no more after my youngest now if my wife wants another child thats on her but i wouldn't be that greedy '' louis sipped his drink  he reached over and moved the fork out my mouth 

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