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dazai's past: my life wasn't hard but it wasn't easy either ...  my family on both sides   are mafia affiliated  how nice i know (sarcasm)

but that doesn't seem to benefit me too much in the long run anyway but hey it is what is right ? well heres my small story my family is mixed im half french , british and japanese but i was born in america the irony i know its extremely bliss my father is british french and my mother is japanese  i wasnt raised like an average American because father didnt want that  he wanted me to learn the british way like he 

 he made me got to a boarding school once when i was eleven then once i came back my uncle sent for me to come to France and i was down for  it good thing my sister wasn't born yet ...

i had went to Marseille France it was beautiful  i never wanted to leave my father never wanted me to ever get involved with my uncle for to long but he was so cool to be around he pretty much let me do what i wanted but when it came to certain things more so women he was very strict... on how to treat them  but we'll get into that kind of thing later  i was only 12 at the time now and my uncle was very chill he started to send me to school immediately  when i got there but  also had me train like a mafia after wards....

it was cool but it was very hard and cruel  but i learned to suck it up very quickly ....

 so about the women thing so my father and uncle grew up with their uncle who was abusive and their father use to tell them all the time dont ever put your hands on a women or ill kill you myself and so thats the short version on why my uncle and dad are so strict with me on how to  treat a lady ... 

now my school life was strict just the same but i did get in trouble alittle kids were trying me and i was no sucker  and I don't like bullies  and i never want to come across them again and ever since i broke a kids arm no one messed with again i was happy  but i ran across someone the way home one day he looked so lonely and sad i stopped and stared at him cause he looked very familiar  

'' hey do you go to that school with that weird gate too right your the quiet kid in my class right?''

 he just looked up and nodded his head and went back to kicking the dirt 

i walked up to him to see him better 

he had black hair and brown skin and very beautiful color brown eyes almost grey  from the sun light because they were so light

''  hey whats your name kid''

''quoi desole je ne pas comprend anglais''

'' quel est ton nom?''

'' noe et toi?''

'' dazai mais toi peux m'appeler zai viens avec moi(  but you can call me zai come with me) '' i said to noe pulling him from the step he was sitting on and bringing him home with me 

'' hé qu'est-ce que tu fais tu ne peux pas me prendre comme ça je suis orphelin''(hey what are you doing you can't just take me like that i'm an orphan)

'' welp your not any more you have a home now ''

'' quo~~i?''

 i translated  and he said my french was weird but he understood what i meant and thats all that matters  we finally managed to get to my uncles house and i yanked him in cause he was just lingering  in the door way like some puppy  so i dragged him all the way up stairs  to my uncles office and busted in 


'' oh jesus dazai   can you knock next time buddy and whose your friend?''

'' oh he's noe and we are keeping him cause he was just sitting outside some orphange so i brought him here and he needs clothes and stuff so send your best chauffer tomorrow and im not going to school im taking him shopping '' i requested and i seen a lady with long black hair in the room and then i understood uncle was busy and walked out before he even got a chance to answer me so i headed to my room and plopped him on my bed and ran him a bath cause he needed it...

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