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flash back//.....//

- domi was maybe 15 or so here  when this took place -

 domi's pov 

'' mom im home !'' 

no answer 

'' mom? dad? louis veronica? anyone? no? well thats strange but oh well '' i headed towards my room and  and changed out my school clothes and  headed back down to eat some apples and did my homework until i heard the front door open 

'' hey mother  father and  brother  um... where is veronica?''

'' shes in the hospital right now she's getting her ankle casted ''

'' how come is she okay?'' i was scared over hearing out of the three of us the eldest got hurt so that means we have to take care of her  and my sister is not the nicest person to deal with ...

'' dominique stop fretting over  small bruising and swelling  she just twisted it running  down the stairs at school nothing to worry over she'll be up and adam again in no time '' mother brushed off the injury as always 

''okay well that's good news  louis  are you well also?''

'' yeah '' louis said heading upstairs  i understood his emotion a little all too well 

'' um well father mother um i was wondering if i can have a friend over for studying  if its okay?....''

'' sure but when your sister gets here you better help her '' mother snarled 

'' yes mother and thank you! i ran upstairs and fixed myself up a little bit and made sure my room was spec and headed down as well before i did i took my hair down shaking it out  then headed down stairs 

i ran towards the door and seen my sister pull up then my friend  i was so hesitant on who to assit first but i dont wanna get yelled at so my sister it was i ran over to her and helped her out the car  i looked  behind me and seen my friend looking worried 

she ran up to me 

'' hey do you need help with walking her in?''

'' no jeanne just um come in and wait downstairs for  a bit okay?''

'' alright  then ill at least hold the door open then ''

'' thanks'' she went to hold the door open and veronica had  me put  her in the living room 

my friend kept looking at me  in a lustful way and i kept telling her stop she just smiled 

'' if you two are something  dont be too late to share '' veronica smirked against my ear  i almost dropped her but regained my steerdiness 

'' h-how did you...'''

'' you guys were so obvious since the beginning of your high school year do you think i'm that stupid?'' veronica teased i was shocked

'' and your real obvious today getting all dressed up how cute dear'' veronica mocked me then looked to my friend  who was sitting there shy 

'' uh um... do you want anything to drink either of you?'' i asked heading into the kitchen

'' a water would be fine  domi and you jeanne?''

'' i would have the uh same ...thanks domi''

 i yelled no problem and grabbed the bottles handing one to veronica first then jeanne then  i sat down waiting for her orders  jeanne snuck her  hand behind me  and slightly pulled my hair  i was holding back so bad from making a lewd noise  i felt myself panting until mother came down she let go drinking her water acting like she didnt do anything i buried my face in my hands 

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