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- back in france where dazai noe vanitas and chuuya move the kids out into their new home but they are with their aunts and uncles and cousins still no one knows their back yet-

 a month and a half down the line  after they moved and settled  everything in marseille and they went to america for the first time  going  straight to miami florida  the girls still dont know if they are pregnant yet cause they havent checked and they had no signs or symptoms to show  any signs of pregnancy  they are in their uncle's house  in the room with the boys taking videos 

the girls were dancing on the balcony  listening to american  music  taking videos of themselves singing the lyrics and of the skyline  it was night time 

  dazai and noe were in the room talking and checking on the others and seeing how they were doing  and seeing how the girls were dancing on each other noe and dazai just smirked and called them inside  for a bit  to hold and asked them what they wanted to 

chuuya was in  the mood but kept it civil somewhat she wrapped dazai's hands around her stomach resting her head against him sighing  he kissed her neck that was exposed she smiled cause he understood what she was asking for 

she then sat up off him and  gave her sister a look only a girl would understand and she understood told noe leave and she left out as well the boys were highly confused  chuuya then texted her sister  then got off dazai  going to close the balcony doors  then walked over to the bed and threw her phone on the bed and  climbed over dazai laying him down kissing him  which he allowed and lets just say the night was long for the four of them .... like before in belgium ...

- its already been three weeks in america and they traveled around  miami going to the beach and they are at another beach  tonight-

'' chuya pose right '' vanitas giggled 

'' this swimsuit is kind of exposing so i have to be careful and look ''  chuuya said pointing at dazai who was staring hard at her, her and vanitas were cracking up

'' well here  let me take some pictures in the water then '' vanitas ran into the water  after handing chuuya the phone and took some sexy pictures of her playing in the water  soon she ran out the water  and took the phone and had tried chuuya again  chuuya took some pictures sitting in the sand  then she laid in the sand looking at vanitas the wind was kind of picking up when vanitas took the picture  and came it out very hot and the  took one last picture   she was on her knees  then rested on her elbows arching her back poking her ass out   she started laughing  vanitas took the picture  then dazai came over  standing behind her  she then laid on her back looking up at him biting her lip  smiling  he took a sip of his drink looking down at her 

'' baby what were you thinking doing that huh?'' dazai asked 

'' nothing its just a picture ~ daddy ~ '' chuuya teased and raised her hands up to him asking to be pulled up  he just smiled at her  and pulled her up and spanked her  and headed over to his chair she  sat in between his legs  he started kissing on her and she was enjoying it alot 

'' noe...baby what are you doing '' vanitas asked laughing  catching the other twos attention 

''nothing just holding you  can i not?'' noe smirked going back on his phone

vanitas said nothing and just looked at her sister and  chuckled  and chuuya just made a 'welp ' face soon they packed up and headed back to the house  preparing to leave florida  to head to california  for more traveling and making an appearance to some family

 - they had arrived in cali  going to a hotel huffing and puffing from the luggages  they had to carry   but soon once they were in their hotel they had  took a nap and  started the travels of their last two weeks of them being in california -

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