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-  early afternoon has come and everyone is almost awake  there is still one sleeping bunny-

  everyone was in the main room and the boys were in the kitchenette  making a small breakfast  to enjoy  until misha had come out the room shirtless still tired   

'' aye little man put that  baby chest away only men can be showing off '' dazai teased  with a stuffed cheek 

noe turned around and seen what dazai was talking about and snickered at misha 

'' huh look dude i just woke up ...''

'' i know  but what you doing showing that baby chest off for ''

'' dazai leave the boy alone  you know his body temp is hard to regulate  so he gets hot easier than us '' noe tried to save misha but failed 

 dazai grabbed misha and stood him in front of noe and continued the teasing 

'' look at him he is still a small baby '' dazai chuckled and patted misha's chest 

'' mikhail just go put a shirt on so dazai can stop bullying you '' noe said patting him on the back  

misha just sighed and trudged back the room and put one on and came back to eat 

atsushi and ryu were cuddling on the bed with each other  watching tv on their tablet 

everyone ate and now misha is the onlyone they have left  then they all did their own thing 

- late afternoon has come and they headed out to a restaurant -

  they all wore the same color coats  blue they   were looking that restaurant they saw on their tour guide  and they had stopped and asked someone 

''atsushi how about you ask buddy '' dazai  said pushing him forward 

''Naze watashi ni anata wa sore o suru nodesu ka''( why me you do it)

''ha? Anata wa furansugo o tadashiku hanasu koto ga dekimasu''(what no you do it you can speak french right)

'' eeh?! nai !'' ( what no)

 hai  douzo( yes go ahead )

'' dazai....'' atsushi whined easing up to the person  he tapped their should and they turned around 

''  salut comment puis-je t'aider gamin( hi how can i help you kiddo?)

'' salut ouais nous recherchons cet endroit( hi yes we are looking for this place)

''oh vous devez être passé devant c'est par là derrière la statue(you must have walked past it it's back that way behind the statue)

'' merci '' atsushi said backing away 

'' de rien''

''Hora, son'nani warukunakattadesho?''(see wasn't so bad was it) '' dazai said resting his elbow on atsushi's shoulder 

''rusei''(shut up) atsushi glared at him pushing his arm off dazai just chuckled  hugging atsu walking back  to the other side of the road and had dinner the night everyone had  something different and had some drinks  

 and soon headed back to the hotel 'cause it was getting dark 

 - two days passed and it was now   the end of the first week  what will bring in the next week-

 it was afternoon and the girls were trying on outfits while the kids did their own thing for a bit before coming out 

'' okay guys your ready to see our outfits ?'' chuuya had called to them 

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