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 a  year later ....

 -the babies had gotten bigger now adonis was going on two years old and aimée was one years old already and  a hot mess running around the house-

'' aimée get back here now !  im gonna get daddy ''

'' no mama no daddy'' aimée said  wiggling her finger at her mother 

'' then come here now please so i can dry you off ''

aimée smiled and ran to her mother  and she picked her up bringing her to the bathroom   dazai had come downstairs with sora  in his arms 

'' whats all the fuss about '' dazai yawned 

'' your daughter is giving me a hard time  about getting dried off and getting dressed  aimée dont im not playing with you  stay put '' chuuya spoke sternly and aimée had listened then she doesnt like it when her mommy was stern with  her

 sora had cooed  lifting his head 

'' nanikai?'' dazai had checked his son  to make sure he was okay  but he only smiled 

dazai giggled  at his sons cheekiness of wanting attention

 chuuya finally got aimée dressed  and sent her to play with adonis   but adonis wasn't where she last seen him  so she zoomed past her parents and went upstairs and found him in  her aunts room  she seen sakari and ran in  scuffling to get on the bed and played with her 

'' oh jeez  you scared me   aimée,   hi dear '' vanitas said pinching her cheek and noticed  why she was there  adonis had just sat on the ground looking  vanitas had picked him up and but him on the bed so they can play 

the others had  come up as well and  went to vanitas room seeing the babies were playing with sakari 

'' shes not even this gentle with her brother ...'' chuuya commented  going in the room 

'' aimée  can your brother join?''

 aimée looked at her brother then her mom then back to  sakari then nodded her head  so dazai laid sora near  sakari  and seen what happened  aimée and adonis had laid next to them sighing  and hugged them  dazai  chuuya and vanitas laughed 

'' vani where you going?'' chuuya asked 

'' um.. well im going to get some things from the store and come back why you wanna join oh wait dont you have that virtual meeting soon?''

'' oh shit ! '' chuuya dashed out the room and headed downstairs and  went on her computer the others had  laughed and   moved sakari and sora into the little play pen to rest  in their room downstairs  with the toddlers 

chuuya had grabbed her laptop and she checked her email and seen she got a link to join the meeting  and she got on  immediately 

'' hi sir im sorry i didnt mean to keep you waiting i had to take care  of something ''

'' no worries  mrs.cadieux so i just wanted to chat with you about the career path you wanna take if you chose this college here in toulouse ''

'' um i really like clothes   so i would chose the designer department of the college that i have seen and it was right up my alley

'' what else do you like doing cause i see here from your school years you were on the soccer team and was captain  from middle school and high school'' the professor smirked 

'' um... well i do love to write as well i would have become a  writer or poet if designer classes were off the table but thats my biggest passion ever 

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