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- it was weeks in october and everyone was on the road in early morning  weeks to  the press conference  they were all excited  but nervous - 

'' carina  are you excited  to be doing this press conference and how are you feeling  go''  yumeno joked 

'' ahah um  i am excited and not gonna lie i'm terrified cause its been so long since ive done one   how about you yumeno what are your thoughts we must know go'' carina shot back yumeno and her  had laughed 

'' ah same here carina im extremely scared because we are going to be sharing the spotlight with the royals  over all though i'm excited as well '' yumeno and her had laughed at their foolery everyone was smiling at them soon they arrived  to their  hotel and had gotten settled in well 

 after  sometime they all went to sleep and prepared for a tour of the city and where they will be going  afterwards  of the press conference and grand opening  

the  paparazzi were sneaking around but the others tried to ignore it  and stayed focused  soon they all went out for breakfast and headed back to the hotel to pick out their outfits  for the next week and chilled out for  the rest of the  day going out to dinner and things 

- the week was here and things were heated up the girls had  their nails done and  clothes were all ready they were getting ready for the day from their helpers -

'' mom has a very cute way of chewing look '' max whispered to her sister and carina watched and  laughed seeing how their mom was eating  looking like a bunny soon the others seen it and just stared at her she was so oblivious because she was on her phone and then took another bite of her little bar she was enjoying thoroughly  everyone snickered  that's when she looked up confused her eyes were huge    they all cooed  she then went shy and got up throwing her  trash away then she was called to get herself ready which wouldn't really take long all she does is straighten her hair and wear little make up and that's it 

she then took her robe off and  went to look for her shoes and put them on  and went back on her phone waiting everyone was shocked at what she had on and was so flowy she looked like royalty  she kept her side part  and had bobby pinned the other side down  soon the  men were called into their rooms to get fixed up abit as well the rest of the girls had as well  then they set off to their cars  having their seating  car arrangements 

'' okay everyone is all in load out ''  the security guard called out on the walkie talkie once that had arrived there was  white cars in front and people were there waiting to see the nobles come out the cars  the royal family  had gotten out first  the husband had gotten out first so he can help his wife who was 6 months pregnant now  everyone was shocked seeing her in the condition but she smiled it off  then her children had gotten out then the hidden children had gotten out as well  everyone  went quiet and just watched them in awe then it was the desades turn   harvey had gotten out and helped his wife out  then his children had gotten out then the others had followed getting the go ahead  everyone was shocked seeing the de sades matched the royal energy  and the queen had kind of sped walked up to domi smiling 

 domi went to curtsey and the others followed  as a respect to the royal family   but the queen noticed discomfort in domi and she told them to rise 

'' dominique must you  be?~'' the queen got excited and hugged her  forgetting that easily 

'' your hynast the public are watching our relationship must you keep it hidden a bit '' domi vibrated  the queen huffed and  walked away domi smiled  and followed in after them  aimee was very much starstruck from seeing luca luna octavia and oliver 

 soon they all were guided in  to the stage and settled in nicely after the royal family  domi was centered and harvey was next to her all the boys were on one side while the girls were on the side near the royals  the royals were seated the same way except octavia oliver luca and luna  chuuya vanitas noe dazai misha and yumeno were seated as guest until further notice 

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