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- most of everyone was trying on the outfits for the dance  for the weekend  and unexpected guess had come -

olivier had answered the door and his eyes went huge  he almost cried 

''syn( son) '' his father smiled at him 

''otets(father ) '' olivier said hugging his dad  so tight  almost crushing him 

'' ooh~~ dima  oh my goodness hi !''' alphonse ran to hug him as well he excepted the hug then he became normal when he seen his sister  she smiled at him 

'' melanie sister how are you?''

the adults had rose up at the name  soon the wife came down  she almost forgot she was pregnant and shuffled over to her sister in law 

''melanie! darling how are you wait woah ... no~!  aaah yay more nieces and nephews  for me ''chanel cheered  alphonse was shocked  and looked at dimitri who went shy his son was shocked and looked at his mother and made sure she was real and hugged her,  she smiled at him

'' dorogoy govorite '' his mother said brushing his hair away and laid into her touch he missed her  

soon misha had come over and messed olivier which he laughed  at the mess misha was 

'' help me please '' misha complained  oliver had cracked up laughing 

'' oi~~! olivier come on i need to master this come here or im gonna spin you around  i know how much you dont like that a birdy told me humph''

''govorite russki togda ya pomogu( speak russian then ill help)  olivier said with his arms crossed 

'' xorosho Pomogi mne( okay help me) 

'' da  come ill show you '' olivier said walking over and fixed his tie and   outer coat of the suit and then had him  spin him around they both laughed and he braided his hair half way and tapped his shoulder and seen his work and shook his head and made him change 

'' vraiment!?'' misha complained 

'' da haha '' olivier said  fixing misha's hair out his face and sent him off 

'' i swear if your lying me and you are gonna dance '' misha called olivier just laughed  alphonse smiled at his nephew having fun his father just smiled at his son's behavior  not even  two seconds later misha came back down chasing oliver 

'' misha stop '' olivier said easing from him 

'' you lied you brat come here '' misha yelled and chased olivier around until he caught him and picked him up and shook him oliver was cracking up   misha had smiled and set him down  after bringing him back over to his uncle 

'' im delivering him back to you king alphonse he deserves a punishment for lying he made me look nice and then lied about it '' misha shook him again then finally let him go olivier had fell into his father misha then realized that their  was  guest  he bowed to them and apologized they said it was fine  smiling at him

'' you may rise child im guessing your a friend of my son's   you guys must be very close '' 

'' oh yes ma'am hes like a little brother to me  ''misha smiled at him  the mother seen the dynamatic of the too and she could tell they were like siblings 

''durak( fool)''  olivier said laughing  

''chto!? mm~ you i got you later olivier ''misha gritted and walked away to change but the king stopped him and told  him he wanted everyone to see each other once just to see the fitting  misha said okay and stayed in the room eyeing olivier and gave him jokeful threats  olivier had just laughed  then yvonne had come downstairs and olivier had ceased all laughter  and just stared at her ,her hair was straightened and olivier had just watched her approach  not taking his eyes off her  she had a crown and everything the mother noticed her son staring and his father as well until his father had nudged him 

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