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domis pov

 sigh  i was laying bed very content  about the events that took place a day ago  i spent time with the girls and  the boys especially my little cousin noe i missed him dearly  im glad he was doing well  and happy i cant wait to spend time with him  as free wiling as possible but again the wait is long  but fair for a minute   ...

 my heart aches constantly being reminded of what ive done and caused to him when he was young  it was cold and ruthless  he was only a child and i had to be the one to separate him and his family ....

'' they were so happy....''

 the thought beats me up every time but again the wait is almost up  i cant wait to taste the finish  i slid under the covers wiping my tears  hearing footsteps nearing the door  it opened  

'' mom?''

 i heard one of my kids climb in the bed next me and peeked under the covers  i just looked up and smiled at him 

'' yes dear whats wrong ''

'' um dad said do you want to come have some lunch and go to the conference meeting  with the teachers? if  your not well about it dont worry...''

 i lifted the covers and slipped my son under with me and i held him kissing his head 

'' of course dear wait what time is it i reached over grabbing my phone the time read 1:00pm 

'' alex  what are doing home so early?''

'' um its early release day for the students  today because of the meetings...''

'' oh okay well come on  son lets go '' i looked to him and he was red in the face 

'' are you alright?''

'' i missed mommy's scent ...'' he went more red in the face 

i just chuckled and beckoned him close to me and held him giving him loads of kisses 

'' better now dear''? 

he nodded his head and jumped off my lap  running downstairs  i had gotten changed  putting a little make up on and headed downstairs  after fixing my hair and adding finishing touches 

 ''well hello dear are you well rested?'' harvey had greeted me coming over giving me kiss on the cheek i just smiled at his gentle touches 

'' you didnt tell the kids  yet right?''

'' no i didnt'' i smiled putting his hand on my stomach and walked away  i greeted my daughters who were eating a snack i hugged them leaving kisses on their heads  i felt little hand cling around my waist i looked down and it was my son 

'' you are just clingy today arent you  heh'' i teased and he just went red snuggling me  i lifted him  and he just hugged me  i hefted him alittle higher on my waist  walking over stealing one of my daughters  apples off her plate 

'' mom!~ that was my last one ~''

'' hehe sorry it looked tasty now go change  dear out of your school clothes into something nicer  and you as well maxine''

'' yes ma'am'' the girls chimed and headed upstairs 

'' alex my boy you need to change also ''

'' but mommy ....i want to be with you  just a little longer ...''

''  well ill have the driver come and get us so we wont have to drive the family car and i can be in the back seat with you okay?''

'' o-okay thats fine '' i let him down and harvey had came in the kitchen  

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