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-months had gone by and things were steady  and things were running smooth for now  it was summertime-

with the cadieux house hold  chuuya was live on her instagram  since she hasn't done that in a while  and her daughter was present  and dazai

'' baby ~ everyone wants to see how much you've grown  is that okay?'' chuuya asked brushing her daughters hair away  

 she nodded  then looked at her mom chuuya put the camera on her,  aimee made  a face  scrunching her nose  chuuya chuckled  booping her on the nose 

'' okay they asked how you are now ''

'' im 6 now '' aimee adjusted herself on the stool better  looking at her mom specifically like she was in love then back to the camera  chuuya noticed and smiled going back to the questions 

'' oh god  that wanted to know if you want anymore siblings '' chuuya sighed

'' i was thinking  about it but that depends on you mommy ''

'' if so  then  what sibling do you want?'' chuuya asked looking at her daughter lovingly 

'' maybe another sister possibly  but again having another brother would be fine  too '' aimee giggled seeing her mother sighing  chuuya just nodded  then she seen her son was up with his blanket dragging it with him  chuuya giggled 

'' hi babas whats wrong?'' chuuya asked concerned cause of how he was acting he just grumbled rubbing his eyes  going straight to his dad aimee hopped of the stool to pull him out cause the stove was on and it was hot  sora started crying  kind of having a fall out   this shocked  aimee and chuuya dazai got distracted and almost burned himself from  the oil  he was using but then he cut it down  chuuya had went to him and tried to comfort him but he was not having it  he cried even harder  and threw his blanket  sprawling out on the floor  this concerned  everyone alot aimee went near him 

'' sora stop and use your words '' aimee said calmly 

'' no!'' sora yelled turning from her  aimee  retreated herself  chuuya didnt know what do to  then yumeno had come out the room  and seen him  and ran to him 

'' what happened why is acting like this ?'' yumeno was worried cause sora never acted this bad  before 

'' i dont know he just came out his room with his blanket  and went to dazai  but aimee stopped him cause the stove is on and then he started acting like this'' chuuya explained trying to calm him down but he only got worse screaming and kicking his feet  this made chuuya wanna cry  so bad she never liked seeing her kids so upset 

'' dazai get him ill finish up '' yumeno said rushing over dazai took his apron and stuff off  with speed and scooped sora up and held him  he also dosent like seeing his kids upset  chuuya followed to check on him and told aimee to cut her live off 

'' whats wrong buddy huh tell papa what cause you to  be upset '' dazai asked walking the floor with him 

sora didn't respond and just clung to his dad  yawning still sniffling  dazai noticed and kept rubbing his back coaxing him back to sleep  then he came back on the living room area and went to lay him down on the couch but he started up again  dazai sighed and  just held him yumeno had finished up cooking the food  chuuya then snuck up behind dazai and caressed her son  seeing he was finally calm  dazai had no choice but to sit with him

 soon time went on after dinner everyone ate but sora was still  having a rough time again  even after having a bath 

'' papa ! * wails crying * '' sora was  sat on the floor kicking his feet  bawling  his eyes  dazai had just laid him down  aimee tried talking to him  but he yelled at her 

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