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 to chapter :18 

domi & harvey 

year of 2013 



 domi had just got home from her classes for the day and  texted harvey  and he responded back with speed  she smiled then he started hitting her with questions about her day  and she answered happily 

 she then put her phone away  hearing her mother coming downstairs 

'' your home already dear ?''

''yes mommy! i... i mean mother  , yes mother ...'' domi corrected herself and  became embarassed and she seen louis  and waved at him he waved back coming in the house from the backyard 

''hey louis ! ''

'' domi how are you !'' he ran up to her even more snooping at her home work  domi noticed and laughed 

'' you wanna help ya little nosey  '' domi teased her little brother tapping him on the nose sweetly making him smile   he seen her homework and  shook his head no backing away laughing seeing how hard it was 

''ton tuteur vient t'aider et je t'ai préparé des collations alors occupe-toi(your tutor is coming to help and i made you some snacks so get busy)'' dominique's mother said  handing her,her snacks and kissed her head  and walked up stairs  once the mother was out of sight louis messed with his sister taking her snacks  she scolded him  but he just smiled 

'' Where's father ?'' domi asked eating   some of her fruits  getting ready to do her homework 

'' hes outside in the garden watering and growing more stuff as always '' louis sighed 

 domi giggled and  said okay and told him to run along  and waited for her tutor to come 

 - hours later  -

dinner was served and the whole family was present  silence was thick and no one wanted to really speak until louis had waited til  domi looked at him and made a face  making her laugh  veronica noticed and glanced at both of them to stop their play at the table and they did   but once she wasn't looking so they thought she wasn't  domi made a face at her brother making him break the silence veronica saw it and just smirked but cleared her throat  and this caught their attention to cease their foolery 

'' what was the silent joke i wanna know '' the mother   forced the answer at hand 

''nothing mother  no joke was told just these two forgot table manners but they are okay now right youngins?'' veronica asked without sparing them a look  they nodded their head at the mother and veronica had excused herself from the table  and washed her dish  smiling to herself cause she found her siblings foolery was cute but she composed her self  and walked away upstairs to her room  it was only domi louis and the parents 

 soon they've finished and  headed to bed  right when domi came up to her room her phone rang  she dove on her bed trying to hide the noise 

'' h-hello? '' domi panted  

'' why are you out of breath dear?

'' why are you calling so late ?!''

'' its only 8.02pm its not that late love and besides i wanted to talk with you i wanted to hear your voice is it safe to?''

'' haha very funny (sarcasm)  um .. yes i'm in my room  now i just had dinner ...'' domi had went to  cut her lamp off and climbed back in bed  sighing   they chatted for a bit  some jokes were shared and laughs and quirks were exposed  but then it started to get a little flirty between the two 

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