Girl Talk

335 14 1

I'm in the middle of working and Jess and I are behind the counter. Jungkook and Jason are baking in the back. A customer just left the bakery so now Jess and I are alone.

"So how's everything going with Jungkook?" Jess asks.

"Jess, we're in the middle of work." She rolls her eyes.

"Oh please. We don't have any customers right now, and when has that ever stopped us from gossiping before." Ok, she makes a valid point. I sigh. "Now spill."

"Everything is going good. Jungkook actually took me out on a date yesterday."

"Really! Where?!" I then explain how our date went. That we got something to eat, went to the arcade, and how he won me a stuffed animal. "That's so sweet! You two are such a cute couple!" She jumps up and down excitedly. I giggle remembering our date. Then I remember what happened when we went home.

"Something else also happened..." Jess leans closer to me waiting for me to continue. "Remember how he told me he loved me at the carnival?" She nods. "Well, I told him I loved him back last night."

"Oh my god! You did?! That's great!" Jess is absolutely freaking out right now.

"There's more..."

"More?! What else could have happened?" She stops for a moment and then her eyes widen. "DID YOU HAVE-" I put my hand to cover her mouth.

"No, no, no! Well I think it was going in that direction... But it didn't!" I take my hand away from her mouth.

"But you wanted it to go that way, didn't you?" She smirks at me.

"N-no..." She gives me a look like she doesn't believe me. "Maybe..." She continues to stare at me until I crack. "Ok, yes." I whispered.

"What happened? Was it going to fast and one of you pulled away?"

"No, Namjoon called Jungkook. It ruined the moment and he went to answer the phone. When he was done with the call we just acted like nothing happened. Besides I don't think he wants to do that yet." Jess rolls her eyes.

"Of course he wants to, he's a hybrid. They're more fast pace about relationships than humans. He's probably holding himself back because he doesn't know if you're ready. Hasn't he been taking the whole relationship slow for you?" I nod agreeing with her.

"He has."

"You honestly should've just jumped onto him once he was done with that phone call." What?! I would never!

"Hell no. Who even does that? Don't tell me that you do that with Jason!"  I asked horrified.

"Sometimes she does." Jason walks to the front counter. When did he show up?

"Jason! Did you hear all of that?" I asked.

"About you almost doing it with Jungkook. Yes." Great, that's just great.

"Get out we're having a girl talk." Jess pushes Jason back towards the door that he came from.

"Fine. But I suggest that you two don't talk so loud. Jungkook might hear you." He leaves and goes to the back room. Once he's gone Jess turns back towards me.

"Anyways, you should take Jungkook on a date. He took you on a date so this time you can take him on one. It could also be a thank you to him for being patient with you in your relationship."

"That's not a bad idea. But where should I take him?"

"Why don't you take him to that hill next to the park. He would love that since that place means a lot to you." I found that hill after I lost Yoongi. I would go there a lot when I wanted to get away from my parents or to be alone. It has a pretty view of the forest behind the park. I've told Jess about it but I've never taken her there. Maybe I could do a picnic there with Jungkook. He could even turn into his bunny form and run around, I think he would like that.

"Thanks for the idea Jess, I'll do that." I smile at her.

"He will love it, he's-"

"Y/n!" Jungkook comes out of the door to the back and runs towards me. "I just made my first batch of cupcakes all on my own! I made the cake batter, frosting, baked it, and I frosted it!" He holds a chocolate cupcake towards me. "I want you to be the first one to try it!" I take the cupcake and look at it. He frosted this pretty well. Especially since he just learned how to frost cupcakes last week.

"It looks great Kookie! You frosted it really well. I'll try it during my break." Jungkook's smile turns into a pout.

"But I wanted you to try it now..."

"Y/n, go ahead and take your break now. We're not busy at the moment." Says Jess.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she nods. Jungkook grabs my hand and brings me to our break room. We sit at one of the tables. I'm about to take a bite of the cupcake when I hear Jungkook thumping. "Jungkook, you're thumping your feet." He looks down at his feet and stops once he realizes it.

"Sorry, I'm just excited. And nervous. I hope you like it."

"I know I'll like it Jungkook. You made it so it must be good right?" I take a bite as Jungkook keeps his eyes on me. "Mhmm. It's really good Kookie. You did a good job." He smiles and bounces in his seat.

"Really?! You really liked it?!"

"I did, I'm so proud of you Kookie." I put my hands on his neck and kiss his cheek. When I pull away, I look into his eyes. I see his eyes quickly move from my eyes to my mouth. We both slowly lean in and kiss. He grabs onto the back of my neck and making out sweet kiss turn more passionate. Jungkook puts his other hand on my thigh, slowly caressing it up and down. I moan a little bit and he squeezes my thigh in response. I pull back for a moment to breathe, I open my eyes for a moment but Jungkook leans closer to me to continue our kiss. As I'm closing my eyes, I see my half eaten cupcake on the table in the corner of my eye. Cupcake, break room, bakery... Shit! I totally forgot where I was for a moment! What if Jess or Jason come in! I put my hands on his chest and softly push him away from me.

"J-Jungkook... We can't umm..." He immediately backs up giving me space.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I went too far didn't I?" His ears droop on his head.

"N-no! You didn't! I... I liked it, it's just... We're at the bakery, you know? I would be embarrassed if Jess or Jason saw us."

"So you didn't stop me because you were uncomfortable?"

"No." I sighed. "If I was uncomfortable with what was happening I would have stopped you last night before Namjoon called." I mumbled but Jungkook and his bunny hearing heard me.

"Wait... Does that mean-" I interrupt him. I don't want to talk about such vulnerable things. At least not here.

"Anyways! I wanted to ask if I could take you somewhere tomorrow night." He forgets what he was about to say and is now interested in what I just said.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a place that's special to me. I thought I could share it with you. I know you're taking this relationship slower than what you want to because of me. I'm grateful for that and I want to show you another part of me." He then takes my hands into his.

"I'll gladly go slower for you. I don't want you to ever feel like I'm pressuring you into anything. I'm just happy that I'm with you." He lifts one of my hands that he was holding and kisses it. "I'll do anything for my mate. Now I can't wait for our date tomorrow!" I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"I should head back to the front counter with Jess." I stand up and turn around to the door.

"But wait! Your cupcake!" I look back and see Jungkook pouting holding the cupcake. I walk over to him and take it from his hands.

"I'll finish eating it at the counter. You really did a good job with the cupcake. Your a full baker now Kookie!" He blushes and looks away.

"Thanks Y/n..." I smile at him and then leave the break room. I start thinking of our date tomorrow and I can't wait for it either. But wait, if I'm doing a picnic what should I make? I don't think Jungkook has ever told me his favorite meal. Should I just make it a picnic date and that's it? Or should I plan something else with it? I never planned a date before... I need help. I head back to the counter and see Jess restocking some of our pastries.

"Jess." She turns to look at me. "I need help planning this date."

Jungkook Hybrid x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora