Meeting Jin

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Jungkook and I arrived at Namjoon's shop and go in. I look around the shop but I don't see him.

"Namjoon?" I called out and walked deeper into the store with Jungkook.

"Y/n? Is that you?" I heard his voice but I don't see him.

"Yeah, where are you?"

"I'm in the closet give me one second."


"So how are you doing with- Jungkook!" Namjoon finally closes the closet and looks over at us surprised to see Jungkook not in his bunny form. Namjoon goes over to him and they bro hug.

"Hey! So you finally told her, that's great! Are you guys officially mates?" Jungkook looks at me with a big smile on his face and then looks back at Namjoon.


"I was wondering when you were finally going to tell her, how did you do it?"

"Actually I was-"

"Namjoon you have my backpack in the backroom right? Can you come get it with me, will be right back Y/n!" Jungkook interrupts me and drags Namjoon to another room. I guess he's a little embarrassed on how I found out. That's kinda cute. Suddenly the door opens and a tall guy with wide shoulders comes in through the door.

"Namjoon, are you ready to close up yet I- oh I'm sorry, I didn't notice someone else was in the store." He immediately comes over to me apologizing.

"Oh it's okay, he's actually in the back at the moment."

"Oh ok, my name is Seokjin by the way." Wait a minute, is he Namjoon's boyfriend?

"Are you Namjoon's-"

"Y/n!" Before I could finish my sentence Taehyung comes into the store, sees me and runs over to give me a hug.

"Hi Taehyung." Seokjin looks at both of us confused.

"How do you two know each other?" We separate from the hug but Taehyung keeps an arm around me.

"Jin! She's the one I was telling you about, she's adopted Jungkook." Seokjin immediately smiles back at us.

"Oh, I didn't realize! It's great to finally meet you." I should probably tell them I know about Jungkook being a hybrid, he's going to come back with Namjoon soon anyways.

"It's nice to meet you too, Namjoon's told me about you. I actually know that Jungkook is-"

"Taehyung! Stop being so cuddly with my mate! I told you last time too." Jungkook came over to us and immediately hugged my waist to pull me away from Taehyung. I'm confused on what he means by last time.

"What do you mean by last time?" I look towards Jungkook but Taehyung answers.

"Oh when you came with him last time in his bunny form he yelled at me for hugging you too long when we went outside." He pouts at us.

"Jungkook that's mean!"

"You're my mate, not his! And I couldn't even do anything about it!"

"That's not my fault, you could have told me about you being a hybrid earlier." Jungkook knows he lost our argument and looks away.

"Awe you guys are so cute together! So how did you end up telling her?" Seokjin asks. I answered Seokjin before Jungkook can dodge the question.

"Actually I came home earlier than he expected and caught him coming out of my bathroom. I thought someone broke into my house and I almost hit him with a trophy." Taehyung starts laughing and Seokjin hits Jungkook's head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"That was so unromantic! I wish she did hit you with that trophy! That means you were going to make her wait even longer!" Seokjin was about to hit him again but he moves away and hides behind me.

"I was going to tell her eventually! I was nervous!" Awe he's so cute. He hides his head in my shoulder. Seokjin ignores him and then turns towards me.

"Well since I finally get to talk to you, I wanted to invite you over to our house next Saturday. We can get to know you better and meet the rest of our friends."

"That sounds great I'd love to!"

"Yaa! You'll love Jin's cooking Y/n it's so good!" Taehyung jumps up and down in excitement. I giggled at him.

"I can't wait then."

"That reminds me, we should get going Seokjin we need cook dinner at home." Namjoon joins in the conversation and we all the leave store.

"You mean I'm going to cook, you always manage to break something when you're in the kitchen." Seokjin says back and Namjoon just gives has this 'oops' look on his face. Jungkook chuckles and looks at me.

"He's right, last time Namjoon was in the kitchen he broke the handle on a pot just by holding it." We all laugh. Seokjin looks at his watch and turns to both Jungkook and I.

"We have to go now but we'll see you on Saturday I'll text you what time you guys should come over." Wait, I don't have his phone number.

"Wait, I need your phone number." Before Seokjin could respond Namjoon does.

"Oh don't worry, Jungkook has on phone in his bag that he went to grab with me today. Jin can just text him. Bye guys." We all waved and said bye. On our way back Jungkook and I were holding hands but I could help but notice how quite he was.

"Jungkook? Are you ok?" I squeezed his hand.

"Yeah I am. I just umm... wanted to ask you if... never mind." I try to make eye contact with him but he looks away. He looks nervous.

"Ask me what?" He finally looks at me and I see that he's blushing.

"Will you go on a date with me?" That's what he was nervous about? Of course I'd say yes.

"I'd love to Jungkook, why were you so nervous I'm your mate right?"

"Well... I was talking to Namjoon in the back and he asked how our relationship is going. Then I realized we haven't been on a date yet. I know you accepted me but we're still not close like a couple yet." He's not wrong. The most we've done is him scenting me, cuddling, and holding hands. I still feel a little awkward with him. Maybe going on a date will get rid of that.

"You're right Jungkook, so when do you want to go on that date?"

"Namjoon told me that there's a fair going on in town in a couple of days. I was thinking of us going there."

"Oh I heard that was happening soon. I can't wait then, I haven't been to a fair since I was kid."

"Great!" He gives me his bunny smile and hugs me. He suddenly sniffs my neck and lets go of me. "Can I scent you when we get home? Taehyung hugged you for too long and I smell him on you." Oh yeah he got mad at Taehyung for that today. I understand it's a hybrid thing and they can get very attached to their mates but still.

"Sure, but you should be nicer to Taehyung, he can hug me if he wants to. He's just an overly affection guy. Besides doesn't he have a mate?"

"Maybe..." He pouts at me looking away. I can't handle him he can be too cute sometimes. I hug him and kiss his cheek.

"Kookie~ I'm yours, not Taehyung's." He immediately smiles at me and hugs me back.

"I love hearing you say that.... But I'm still going to scent you when we get home." I giggle at his comment.

"Ok, Kookie." We continued to walk home.

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