Hanging Out With Yoongi

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It's been a week since I've visited Yoongi's studio and it's been great! I have visited Yoongi during my lunch break everyday since then. Jungkook joined the first two days but then he stopped joining me after that. The first day he didn't join me he said he wanted to call Taehyung while on break. But after that he just kept on making another excuse to not go with me. For example, today he said that he was tired from the busy morning we had. It was a little busier than usual but I didn't think it was too bad. I don't know what's up with him. The bakery just closed so Jess, Jason, Jungkook, and I are all cleaning up. I was cleaning the display case when I hear the door chime signaling they someone came into the store.

"Sorry we're- Yoongi!" I finally look up and see Yoongi coming towards me. I go around the counter so I could hug him. "What are you doing here?"

"You forgot your jacket in my studio." He hands me my jacket.

"You didn't have to come here just to give it to me. I could have gotten it back next time I go to your studio."

"Yeah but I wanted to take a walk to clear my head so I thought I'd just give it to you now since I was passing by."

"You're going on a walk? Where?"

"I don't know, probably the park. It's become a place I go to wherever I want to relax and not think about anything. That's probably because that's where I met you."

"I haven't visited that park in years." It would be nice to go again. It wouldn't make me sad anymore since I have Yoongi back in my life.

"Do you want to join me?"

"I'd love to! We just finished cleaning up so it will only take a couple of minutes before we can go." I go back to the display case I was cleaning and Yoongi follows me and leans on the counter.

"Where's everyone else?" He asks.

"Jess and Jungkook are cleaning in the back where we make everything. Jason is running some numbers for the bakery." Yoongi and I talk while I finish cleaning. A couple of minutes after I finished Jess, Jason, and Jungkook come from the back. Jess is the first one to walk through the door and say something.

"Y/n, we finished up, are you- oh hi Yoongi!"

"Hey." He waves at the three of them.

"How's it going? Y/n told us your working on your own music right now." Jason asks.

"It's going good. My label liked the two songs I already made. I have a few rough drafts of some songs. I'm almost done with one of them but I'm stuck on verse 2."

"You better be taking breaks, it's not good to be stuck inside all day." Jess points her finger at him, warning him that he better not do that. He just rolls his eyes.

"Don't worry about that. I get out plenty with Hoseok and Y/n constantly visiting me." I hit him on the shoulder.

"You say it like me visiting you is a bad thing!" He just shrugs his shoulders and I'm the one who rolls their eyes this time.

"Why are you here Yoongi?" Jungkook asks suddenly. The way he said that sounded a little harsh.

"I was on my way to walk to the park and decided to stop in to give Y/n's jacket back. She left it in my studio when she came at noon." Yoongi answers Jungkooks question ignoring the tone he used. It didn't seem to bother Yoongi so I won't comment on it. Before it got too awkward Jason asked a question to Yoongi.

"You're going to the park? The closets one here is our childhood park."

"He's going there and I decided to go with him. I haven't been to that park in years. Oh yeah Jungkook! We're going to the park with Yoongi."

"Umm... I'm actually still pretty tired. But you should still go. Jess and Jason could you drive me home?" I'm about to ask him why when Jason speaks before I do.

"Yeah we can drive you home." We all walk out of the bakery and I turn to look at Jungkook confused.

"Are you sure Jungkook?" He nods.

"Yeah, I'll take a nap and then make dinner for us. I'll see you when you get home."

"Ok." He turns around and walks with Jason and Jess to their car. I sigh, I still don't know what's going on with him recently. I'll have to talk to him about it when I come home. I turn to Yoongi seeing him wait for me. "I'm ready to go to our park."

"Let's go then." We head to the park talking about aimless things and five minutes later we arrive. I look around the park and so many memories flash through my mind. "Come on." He grabs my hand and we walk through the park talking about so many memories that happened here. Eventually we sit on the swings and I look around. My eyes stop at the area of when I first ran into Yoongi. It was behind the kid rock climbing wall. There's bushes behind it and that's where he was hiding. He was always a stay from when he was born. He told me his mom died a few months before I found him.

"Hey Yoongi, I don't think I ever asked you this but how long were you living in those bushes?"

"For about a month. After my mom died, I stayed where my mom raised me but I could never find enough food. So I left and found this park. I quickly realized that stealing snacks from kids in cat form is easy. So I made a home behind the bushes. You were the only kid that was crazy enough to try to get their snack back." He stole my granola bar when I put it down to go up the rock climbing wall. When I saw him I immediately jumped down and followed him into the bushes. That's when I found his little home and him eating my granola bar in his human form.

"Well, I'm glad I was crazy enough to chase after you."

"Me too Princess." Suddenly my stomach grows ruining the nice moment we had.  Yoongi chuckles and stands up from the swing.

"I know a good barbecue restaurant near here, wanna go?"

"Sure!" I am pretty hungry. I stand up and follow Yoongi to the restaurant. Yoongi and I hung out at the restaurant for two hours I didn't even realize how late it got until checked my phone as we were leaving the restaurant. We walked back to the bakery where my car was parked and we said goodbye. When I entered the house I noticed Jungkook sitting on the couch watching tv. "I'm back Jungkook!" He hums acknowledging my presence. I walk past the kitchen and noticed something on the table. It was pesto chicken pasta in a Tupperware container. Shit. I totally forgot that Jungkook said this he was going to make dinner for us. I put the food in the fridge and walkover to where he was sitting. "Jungkook I am so sorry. I lost track of the time and then we got hungry so we went out to eat at a restaurant." He just shrugs his shoulders.

"It's fine."

"Are you sure? I feel horrible about it."

"I said it's fine Y/n. It was just pasta anyways, nothing special." I sigh deciding to let it go.

"Ok, I'm going to get ready for bed." He doesn't respond as I walk away it go into my bedroom. I change into my pajamas and do my night routine in the bathroom. When I'm done I walk out of my bathroom and I don't see Jungkook here. Is he not going to bed soon? I walk into the living room and see that he hasn't moved from his spot. "Jungkook? Aren't you coming to bed?"

"Umm yeah, I just want to finish this episode." I nod and walk back into my bedroom and lay on my bed. I stay up on my phone waiting for Jungkook but eventually I fall asleep. I woke up the next morning and Jungkook wasn't laying beside me. I don't think he ever came to bed.

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