My Mate

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It's been three days now since I found out Jungkook is a hybrid. I still haven't answered him on whether I excepted him as my mate. I don't want to deny him because I do care for him but it-it's just complicated.

"Y/n!" I'm startled and look up.

"Huh?" I see Jess in front of me giggling at my reaction.

"Y/n you have been wiping down the same table for five minutes." Oh right. We just closed and I went to clean the tables.

"Sorry Jess I was thinking." Jason comes over and joins the conversation.

"What happened? A couple of days ago you couldn't stop talking about how great it's been with Jungkook." Jess agrees with him.

"That's true you haven't talked about him recently."

"Well... I found out that... he's a hybrid." I said.


"How did you find that out?" They both yelled at the same time shocked at what I said.

"Yeah, I found out a couple of days ago. I came home earlier than he thought I would and he was coming out of the bathroom."

"No way that's crazy! Is he cute? Hot?"

"Jess!" I blush.

"Answer the question!"

"Ok yes! He is cute and hot at the same time. Are you happy!"

"Wait, Y/n are you okay with having a hybrid so soon?" Jason can always tell what is bothering me and Jess it's like his super power or something.

"Before we get into that I need to tell you something else..." I mumbled.

"What is it?" Jason asks.

"I'm his mate."

"Omg! This is like a drama or something!" Jess squeals.

"Jess now is not the time." Jason stops her from jumping and she pouts. "Did you excepted him?"

"Umm... well yes, but no... Not yet." Jason sighs at me.

"Not yet? You know hybrids can't go long without having an answer it's almost like torture for them."

"I know! I know! It's just..."

"It's because of your cat hybrid isn't it?" I swear Jason can read my mind or something. I don't answer him and look away.

"Oh Y/n..." Jess comes over and hugs me. "I thought you moved on?"

"I did... It's just seeing Jungkook everyday greeting me, I keep feeling guilty that I'm replacing him with Jungkook." Jason comes closer to us.

"You're not replacing him. He wouldn't want you to feel guilty. What happened wasn't your fault."

"You're right."

"Now go y/n!" Jess suddenly let's go of me and pushes me near the door."

"Wait..? what!" I look back at her.

"Go say yes to Jungkook and bring him to work tomorrow so I can meet him!" She pulls me outside.

"Jason help me!" I look at Jason hoping he would stop Jess.

"I hope you bring him tomorrow see you Y/n!" He waves at me goodbye as Jess closes the door. I guess I'm going home a little bit early. But they are right, I like Jungkook and I shouldn't let something in the past stop me from that. Even though I know he will happy to hear it I'm still nervous. I enter my house when-

"Y/n!" Jungkook runs up to me but stops. "H-hi..." he waved at me. He does this everyday too. I can tell he's holding back from hugging me to make me feel comfortable. But it just makes me feel bad.

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