Boxes Hidden Away

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"Y/n I'm bored!" I chuckle at him whining for the third time. I chuckle at him whining. I decided to go clean my closet today and Jungkook hates the fact that I'm not spending time with him. I suggested that he watch a movie but he just complains that it's not enjoyable if he can't cuddle with me. So he's been playing on his phone on top of our bed for the last hour and whining occasionally. I decided to finally give in to him.

"I'm almost done with my closet, why don't you find a board game for us to play?" He immediately perks up from the bed and looks at me excited.

"Wait really! Your done?"

"Almost. Do you know the door that's on the other side of the hallway at the end?" He nods at me. "That used to be a small bedroom that I changed into a storage room. There should be some board games in the corner next to the closet. I should be done once you pick a board game out."

"You better be done when I come back!" He runs out of the room to the storage room. I laugh at how excited he got and I turned back to my closet to finish it. Five minutes later I'm all done with my closet and may I just say I did a pretty good job. It's a lot cleaner and I got rid of some clothes I don't wear anymore and that was just taking up space. What was weird though was that Jungkook hasn't come back yet. I doubt that it's taking him this long to choose a board game. But then what is doing? I walk out of our room and to the storage room.

"Kookie? What's taking so long?" I walk into the room and I see him sitting on the floor around some boxes and him holding an photo album. Oh. He found those boxes... My mood diminishes.

"Y/n, you looked so cute when you were little you- What's wrong? Is it because I went through your things without asking? I'm sorry Y/n I-" I cut him off.

"No, it's okay. It's just- that album has pictures of Yoongi and I... When he was taken I couldn't stand seeing any of his things or pictures of us in my room without crying so I put it all in boxes. I didn't have the heart to throw any of it away." Jungkook gets up and hugs me. I didn't even realize I was crying until I noticed my tears falling on his shoulder.

"Y/n, I think you should look through it. It will bring all the positive memories you had when you were younger. Besides, you looked so cute as a little kid with your chubby cheeks." He's right, I need to stop thinking of my childhood in a negative way. Although did he really need to mention how I looked as a kid? I give him a light shove for mentioning it.

"Don't remind me, my parents friends wouldn't shut up about it when I was little."

"Well I'll never shut up about it because it's one of my favorite places to kiss you." He kisses my cheek just to prove his point. That was so cheesy but I can't help but blush.

"Let's just look through the album..." I grabbed the album from where Jungkook put it down and sat on the floor. I look up at him seeing that he's still standing there. "Well? Are you going to look through it with me or not?" He smiles and sits down next to me. He points to one of the pictures on the first page and it was me when I was twelve with Yoongi in his cat form. I'm hugging him in my parents living room.

"That's Yoongi right? He looks so tiny." I giggled when he called him tiny.

"Yoongi hated it when I called him tiny. But it was true! He was so small, I could pick him up whenever I wanted. He hated it when I forced him to cuddle with me. He couldn't shift into his human form if we were around my family so I used that to my advantage." Jungkook lifts me up from my spot and puts me on his lap and pouts at me.

"Your only allowed to cuddle me now." I think he got a little jealous hearing that I cuddled with Yoongi. "I give the better cuddles right?" I kiss his cheek making his pout go away.

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