Music Studio

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Jungkook and I are in the car driving to the company Yoongi is under. I made sure that we stopped at the bakery first so I can bring him an orange scone.

"Jungkook! I'm so excited to see his studio!" Jungkook just laughs.

"I know Y/n. You've said that ten times since we got up this morning."

"I can't help it!" After driving for a few more minutes I park in the company's parking lot. We get out and start walking to the entrance when I think of something. How are we even going to get in? Yoongi and I didn't really make a certain time, we just decided after lunch. Will they let us just walk in? I was about to ask Jungkook but when we walked in he immediately walks up to the main desk.

"Hello Jungkook, you're here to see Yoongi?" The reception lady said. She knows Jungkook?

"Yes, and this is Y/n. She will be visiting him a lot too."

"Hello, Y/n."

"Hello." I wave at her.

"You two can go ahead, I know you know the way to his studio Jungkook." Jungkook nods and grabs my hand leading me to an elevator and presses level three.

"You come and see him a lot?"

"We all do. Namjoon helped him get this job but we all supported him and watched him get here. We all like visiting him to see what new music he's working on. Whenever he would struggle on music he wouldn't come home to sleep at night. So I would come over to distract him and clear his mind. It works most of the time." I'm so happy that Yoongi had so much support for his dream. I should really thank Namjoon later for helping him. The elevator reaches the third level and Jungkook takes me through the halls. Eventually we stop at a door and I can't help but let out a small laugh. The door says 'Genius Lab' on it and a welcoming mat that says 'go away'. Well I guess it's not really a welcoming mat now is it? This entrance definitely proves that this is Yoongi's studio. Jungkook quickly realized why I laughed.

"Seokjin told Yoongi to get rid of the mat but he just ignored him." Of course he did. Jungkook rings the doorbell and a few seconds later we hear the door unlock. Jungkook opens the door for me and I walk in. It's a black room with purple LED lights. He has a computer screen on his desk with three different speakers on each side. There's a lot of other music equipment on the desk that I have no idea what they are. Then there's a big screen behind the desk on the wall. On the side of his desk is a keyboard and a couch behind him next to the door. He also has a rug that's says 'keep off' on it. What's with him and rude rugs? Right now, he is sitting at his chair taking his head phones off. He notices me holding a RoseAnne's bag and points to it.

"Is that for me?" I nod and hand it over to him. He opens it and I can hear him mumble 'yes' and he starts to eat it.

"So, what do you think?" Yoongi asks.

"It's really cool! But what's up with the rugs? You couldn't have got normal ones?" He rolls his eyes.

"I already get scolded from Seokjin for having them I don't need to hear it from you too." I just laugh. I'll have to come with Seokjin sometime so we can scold him together.

"So how's the music going Mr. Producer." Yoongi chuckles at me calling him that.

"It's going good. I just finished a project I was helping an artist with a little early. So I am just making some of my own music right now since I have some free time."

"Can I listen! Pleeeeaaasse Yoongi!" He just smiles and waves me over to him. I walk next to him sitting on his chair. He grabs the headphones he just had on and hands them to me. I put them on and I wait while Yoongi is clicking on a few things on the screen. Finally music starts playing. One second into the song and I already want to bang my head up and down. I absolutely love the beat and this style of music fits Yoongi so well. At one point the music slowed down and he rapped fast before it picked up again. Once it was done I was about to take the headphones off but Yoongi holds his index finger up to tell to wait a minute. I keep the headphones on and another song starts playing. It's a lot softer which surprised me. I was even more shocked when I heard him start to sing. I've never heard Yoongi sing before. He would always rap when we lived together. The song was so beautiful I was about to cry. I finally took the headphones off and I look at Yoongi who's eagerly waiting for my opinion.

"So... What do you think?" He gets shy and looks at his keyboard instead of me when he asks me that question.

"Yoongi, I loved both of them!" I give him a quick hug and pull away so I can see him face. "The first one was so amazing and pumped up. Then the second was so beautiful it made me want to cry! And I didn't know you could sing! I love your voice you should sing more!" I see a small blush on his face.

"I don't know about that... It was very out of my comfort zone."

"Well, I loved it! What were the songs called?" I asked.

"The first one is Daechwita and the second one was called People."

"Jungkook! Have you heard it yet?" I turn to him.

"I've heard a bits and pieces of them as he was putting the songs together."

"Here! You need to listen to them again!" I give him the headphones. Jungkook puts them on and Yoongi plays the songs for him. Once the songs end he takes the headphones off.

"Those were really good Yoongi. Are you going to release them?" Yoongi shrugs to Jungkooks question.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking of showing them to my label and releasing them as my own. But I want to create a few more songs before I talk to them about it. I'll have to work harder."

"Just don't lock yourself up in the studio. You know how much Hoseok hates it when you do that." Yoongi nods agreeing with Jungkook. But what does he mean by locking himself up in the studio? Are their times when he doesn't come home?

"Jungkook, what do you mean by that?"

"He-" Jungkook was about to tell me when Yoongi interrupts him.

"It's nothing Y/n."

"It is not nothing." I turn to Jungkook. "Tell me."

"He will stay in the studio until midnight sometimes even sleeps here and doesn't remember to get something to eat most of the time." Yoongi does that!

"Yoongi! That's not healthy!" He just sighs.

"I know Y/n. I've been making sure to get home before midnight but I never have the time to get something to eat. I just get lost in the time." He won't eat? Fine I'll make him.

"Then I'll come on my lunch break and make sure you eat something."

"Y/n, you don't have to-" I interrupt Yoongi.

"Yes I do. It's not that big of a deal anyways, your building is walkable from the bakery. I can just visit during my lunch break. So don't bother trying to make me change my mind because I won't."

"Fine." He sighs again giving up. Ha! He knows I'm too stubborn to back down. He then shows me all of his equipment and how it all works. He let me mess around with some of them and I was having so much fun. I didn't even realize how much time has past until Jungkook speaks up.

"Y/n, it's getting late. We should head home so we can eat dinner." He was sitting on the couch. When did he move to sit over there?

"I should leave too. I promised Hoseok I'd be home for dinner today." Yoongi says and stands up from his chair. We all leave his studio. At the parking lot we say goodbye to Yoongi and get into our car.

"Jungkook, his studio was so cool! His equipment was insane! I was afraid I was going to break it!"

"Yeah... Let's get pizza for dinner. What do you think?"

"Oh, sure! We haven't had pizza in a while." We drive to get pizza first and then head home. We are eating the pizza on the couch while watching tv but I can't help but talk about Yoongi. "His music was so good! They were two polar opposite songs and they were both amazing! How does he do that? I always knew he was a talent rapper. He did freestyles in front of me a couple of times. But he never sang when we lived together. I tried to make him a couple of times but he would just mouth the words and pretend to sing it. And all this time he sounded like that! Anyways I think when he shows his company those songs they are going to love it and let him released them under his name. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, he's really talented... Y/n, how about we watch a movie?"

"Oh sure." Before I even responded he already grabbed the remote and started looking for movies. We picked one out together and I lay against the couch to get comfortable. However Jungkook lifts me up from my spot and lays me on top of him so my legs are over his. Then he pulls me in closer by my waist so put chests are close together. I don't know what made him so cuddly right now but I'm not complaining. I lay my head on his shoulder and we watched the movie.

Jungkook Hybrid x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin