38- I Wanna Be Yours

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Strangely, I half feel relieved that Carlos found out but another half of me feels terrified. I've always been single, sure i've had a few relationships but none where I have thought I want to marry this guy and carry his children in me for 9 months.

I've always been in control, preventing myself from getting hurt. I never gave them the chance. But with Charles, it's different. He has always managed to weasel his way back into my life, and I fell for him every time. And now, now he loves me. Love. Something I have always run from, that I never allowed myself to truly experience,romantically, but i'm tired of running. So no more.

I find myself at Charles hotel door. This is after driving back to the ceremony, finding all the drivers after 20 minutes. They told me that he had gone to some bar down town, so I headed towards said bar. The bartender said he was here but left 30 mins ago, well kicked out since he was in a fight? Anyway, made my way back to the hotel to find out he wasn't staying at the same one as Carlos and Isa and was apparently in one a few miles away. Hopped back into my car and now I'm here stood at his hotel door at 1am gathering the courage to just knock.

5 light taps. Silence. A deep sigh and french mumbling followed by heavy footsteps. Door swings open. Door immediately swings shut. Door slammed in my face.

"Give me 5 good reasons I should let you in." Charles says, his voice muffled through the door.

Groaning, I slide down the wall next to his door, hugging my knees into my chest. I was still only in my dress and it was cold in the hallway.

"Well first of all it's 1am and I don't think your hotel neighbours would appreciate being woken up by this commotion in the hallway" I hiss in a whisper.

"Number 2 it's still not quite summer here so i'm fucking freezing." I say this time my voice a little louder.

"Next i've practically used up all my petrol on trying to find you so i'll be damned if you don't let me in." I continue, the door still shut.

"Fourth you've been in a fight? God knows how and why and what the damage is so you're gonna have to be explaining that and i'm simply not leaving here till you do even if I do get pneumonia and die." I ramble, earning a muffled laugh from Charles.

"And finally, well the last and most obvious reason is because I love you too." I state, simply.

The door slightly creeks open but it's dark in his room so the light from the hallway only reveals an outline of his figure but his bright eyes still manage to shine through. I let go of my legs and pull myself up attempting to see more of him.

"What did you just say." He almost whispers whilst his eyes scan over my face.

"I love you Charles." I state again my eyes locked onto his.

A second later he's yanked me into his room and buried me into his arms. His grip on me so tight I almost couldn't breathe as he squeezed tighter nuzzling his head into my neck.

I squeeze him back, playing with his hair as I breathed in his scent. I take a look around the dark room and can easily make out the mess of it which causes me to lightly laugh.

"Can I actually see your face now?" I ask him softly laughing as he fights me trying to pull him off me.

"You're not gonna like what you'll see."He mumbles into me.

"Do I need to take you to a hospital, normal Charles would never say that." I gasp softly poking him.

"Yeah well my ego isn't the only thing bruised." He tells me poking me back.

"Okay i'm turning on the light now." I declare freeing myself from his grip.

As I do he covers his face with his hands hiding the damage. However I can tell he must of gotten a few punches in considering the state of his knuckles which he can't hide from me. His white shirt now unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up has a few drops of blood on the collar, increasing my worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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