8- Wicked games

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It was my last day in Madrid but I was too tired to go out. So Carlos and Isa decided to just have a cute date night just them two in the city. I had stayed in bed for most of the day recovering from last night by binge watching Netflix and ordering enough room service to feed a family of 10.

Almost as though she has been spying on me I get a text message from my personal trainer for my workout of the day.

4 x 10 shoulder press
4 x 10 chest press with dumbbells
4 x 10 bicep curls
4 x 10 barbell squats
4 x 10 reverse lunges
4 x 10 leg press
4 x 10 dead lifts
30 minutes on treadmill

Just kill me now please. I drag myself out of my warm cosy bed and put on some black leggings and a matching sports bra. I tie up my hair and grab a water bottle before heading out the door.

I get to the gym, it's quite small but it's empty. I mean who else would be sad enough to be in the gym on a Friday night.

I put on my headphones and get stuck into my workout. About halfway through I notice the door open but don't bother to see who came in staying focused on my workout.

I'm halfway through my set on the squat rack when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up and meet a sweaty Charles Leclerc. Just the person I wanted to see tonight.

"Are you done on that machine?"

"Does it look like i'm done with the machine?"

"Well are you at least nearly finished"

"Not even close" I lie, it's my last set.

He doesn't say anything more, just scowls and walks off.

I go to add more weight onto the bar suddenly feeling the urge to go a lot heavier now in his presence, maybe it's just the competitive side in me.

I'm on my last rep when my knees start to cave, struggling under the new weight. Shit. I'm gonna be stuck.

I'm about to get crushed under the bar when suddenly the bar feels miraculously lighter.

"Come on, push"

I feel Charles breathe down the back of my neck, causing me to shiver. His arms are now under the bar for support, my back pressed against his chest. Fuck this is only distracting me more.

"Camila push" he repeats.

I somehow manage to get up, my legs now jelly with his touch. He helps me rack the bar back on as I let out a deep breath in relief at the loss of weight.

"You need better form chérie"


"Your sticking out your hips too much, you need to tuck in your core"

"My form is fine thank you"

"No it's not" He steps closer to me and places his hands on my hips causing my breath to hitch.

"You need to do this" he pushes my hips forward with one hand the other moving to my lower stomach pushing it in. My stomach now doing backflips.

His hands linger there for a few seconds before he drops them.

"Now do it again, but with what I just did"

"Again? Charles I can't, my legs are gone!" I exclaim.

"Camila again"

"You're so annoying"
I comply anyway, ducking under the bar. I take in a small breath trying to prepare myself.

"Okay now go down slowly, keeping that core tucked in."

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