7- Ugly heart

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I wake up the next morning, still in the same dress as last night. My head spinning as I go to sit up. Ouch.

I quickly down the water next to me along with two paracetamols. Thankful that I had prepared myself before going out.

I hear a few knocks at the door, making me groan at the loud noise.

"Go away" I shout collapsing back onto the bed, hiding under the duvet.

"Open the door Ms I don't get hangovers" Carlos replies, his voice muffled through the other side of the door.

I sigh as I stumble towards the door still feeling slightly drunk, opening it to see Carlos, dressed in gym clothes, a few drops of sweat resting on his forehead.

"You're kidding, there's no way in hell you have just been to the gym"

"Some of us didn't drink a whole bottle of vodka last night"
He raises his eyebrows at my outfit and smeared makeup.

"I'm not in the mood for a lecture"

"What happened to those superpowers of yours huh?" A smug grin on his face.

"Not working today"

"Clearly, get ready we are having lunch, since you've missed breakfast. It's 1 o clock sleepyhead"

Little does he know that I normally sleep in till noon.

"Right, who's we?"

"Me, Isa and you're finally gonna meet Charles"

I groan. "Won't be the first time will it"

He looks at me puzzled. Fuck. I'd forgotten I still hadn't told him about our little encounter.

"I met him at the race"

"What? When? You never said"

"Hm? Yeah I was gonna, I must've forgotten" My head still a mess from the alcohol.

"Sure. Good first impressions?"

"Oh fantastic" I say drowning in sarcasm.

His eyebrows furrow. "You don't like him?"

"Let's just say I prefer Lando. Now leave me alone"

"You're gonna have to elaborate later, be ready in 15 minutes. 15 no later"

"Yes captain" I jokingly salute before slamming the door in his face.

I get into the shower letting the cold water pour over my head. I sigh, resting my head on to the cold tiles on the wall. I'm so not in the mood to deal with Charles. I swear if he says just one snarky comment to me, he's getting fly kicked.

I jump out of the shower, not bothering to dry my hair and putting on some light makeup to cover the dark bags under my eyes. I put on some comfy clothes and leave to find Carlos already standing at my door with Isa.

"Wow, she's actually on time. Who is this girl and what have you done with Camila"

"Don't act so surprised" I roll my eyes.

"Oh she's moody, Hangovers don't look good on you."

"Oh leave her alone" Isa says slinging her arm over me. "She's fragile"

"Yeah Carlos, i'm fragile" I say innocently leaning into Isa.

"Why am I third wheeling again"
He sighs as we get into the elevator.


We get to the hotel restaurant and I spot Charles sat in the darkest corner of the restaurant, a pair of sunglasses covering his face.

Cinnamon GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang