33- Pink + White

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I already felt instantly better after his comfort. He was here. He brought me flowers. He stood shyly in front of me, softly laughing at Allen's previous question. That's when I take in his appearance, realising he's still wearing his race suit. The race. I had completely forgotten. How is here right now, the race must have just finished?

"Good question Allen, why the hell are you here right now?" I ask him in disbelief. Surely this man did not just ditch his race for me.

"I came the second I found out." He stated simply shrugging as my mouth drops open.

"Well don't leave us hanging, tell us how you did!" Allen exclaims now more awake, he fills in for my silence since i'm now frozen on the spot.

"I may have won." He says shyly smiling as he rubs the back of his neck.

Okay I think i'm about to do an Allen and pass the fuck out. There is no way.
I can't believe this man, he is world champion and instead of celebrating he's here.
In my managers hospital room.

Speechless I don't stop the urge to leap into his arms, flooding him with tiny kisses as tears stream down my face again but this time happy tears.

"I'm so proud of you." I mumble into his neck as he holds me wrapped in his arms. I softly laugh, hearing Allen whooping from his bed.

"I knew you could do it." I grin at him as we pull back from our embrace.

"I'm still waiting on that kiss." He tells me, a stupid smirk on his face.

"My eyes are covered." Allen shouts from the bed, throwing a pillow over his face.

I laugh not before I press my lips into Charles's, his hand stroking my cheek as he deepens the kiss. I pull back shortly after keeping it short and sweet not forgetting of Allen's presence.

"You'll be getting a better gift for me later, champion" I whisper in his ear before I pull away from his embrace.
I try to conceal my laugh as I watch his face turn red before he slightly adjusts the bottom of his race suit clearly already having gotten a bit too excited.

"Well I should probably get back then." He says, clearing his throat.

"Okay i'm sorry that I can't be there to watch you get your trophy." I frown at him.

"I'm sure you'll repay me later." He grins at me before heading over towards Allen.

"Now you need get yourself better" He tells Allen, crouching down next to his bed.

"Oh I know she will make sure of it." Allen replies nodding his head at me making me laugh. I sure as hell will.

"I'm sure she will." Charles says smiling up at me as I feel my cheeks turn pink by his gaze.

"We really appreciate you coming, i'm sure it was more for her but I appreciate it nonetheless." Allen notes patting Charles's shoulder.

Charles nods at Allen, taking his cap off and placing it on Allen's head making my heart melt at the gesture.

"I hope to see you soon Allen, preferably not in a hospital bed." Charles light jokes, pointing at Allen as he stands up getting ready to leave.

As Charles heads towards me I pull him into another quick hug. "Thank you, seriously." I tell him cupping his face.

"Anything for you Mila." He responds, his eyes fixed on mine. I kiss his cheek softly, my legs weak as he shoots me one last smile before heading out of the door.

"So the kid I threatened to beat up, was him?" Allen exclaims in disbelief as he's figured out who i've been writing all these lyrics about.

"Quiet you, it's time you got some rest, doctors orders." I tell him, smiling down at him as I perch on his bed.

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