21- Back to the old house

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"Hello my beautiful bestie"

I swing the door open to find Taylor at my door a bottle of wine in her hand, as requested. I drag her into my apartment both of us in a fit of giggles due to the excitement of being reunited again. We crack open the bottle of wine and get comfy on my sofa with a blanket preparing her to spill everything that's happened to me these past weeks.

However, before I can I get a notification on my phone from some f1 paparazzi account, they've posted a picture of Charles spotted with some girl. Fucking Sofia. Her arm is wrapped around his waist, a wide grin on her face as she leans into him.
Back to his whores he goes, not that I could care.

Charles POV

Leaving her hotel room I feel like a fucking idiot. I knew I had to see her one more time before she left for LA. I couldn't get enough of her. She invaded all my thoughts, those perfect plump lips of hers, her gorgeous big puppy-dog eyes. And now I had just gone and lost all of it. I should never had kissed her, I fucked up everything, I just couldn't hold back. Carlos had warned me she was off limits. I knew she was off limits, but I fucked up, I couldn't help but fall for her. The second I saw her walking through the paddock, her soft hair effortlessly falling over her perfect face as she mindlessly scrolled on her phone like the idiot, cute idiot, she is and then she bumped into me. Of course I acted like a cocky twat. I tried from the start to avoid her, to act cold, to make her hate me, never wanting her to see the real me. But she broke down my walls with her gorgeous smile, her infectious laugh, it was impossible not to want to be any further than an inch from her, I mean she lit up every room she walked in to.

I couldn't believe it when she kissed me back, that she wanted me. Now she thinks I just want to fuck and leave like she's nothing, like she isn't the person who has fuelled my happiness for the past months, the girl who made me think that I could actually know what love is again. Well not anymore. I let myself fall for her knowing she could never actually be mine, I'm a fool.

I need to accept that being with her could never be possible, she doesn't want to hurt Carlos and I understand that, no matter how much that hurts me. So I need to move on, I have to.

I waste the next day away, binge watching this show on Netflix. A show that she told me I have to watch 'or else i'll go through life with no meaning'. She'll probably never speak to me again yet here I am watching this stupid show. Would probably be a lot better if she was here next to me, uncontrollably laughing at the most cringiest jokes. The girl laughs at anything and everything.
Get her out of your dumb head Charles.

I go on my phone and scroll through the many messages on my phone, the majority of them being from Sofia.


Charles can we talk

Please babe I really miss you

We didn't end things right

Please Charles, i'm Italy now. I just want to talk.

Something has happened, I really need you.

Fucking leave me alone you clout-chasing bitch.

I'm about to switch off my phone already sick of her when I see the last message she sent.

Charles I'm pregnant.

What the fuck, I swear we always used protection. I mean we fucked like twice I was quite drunk both of the times we did but from what I can remember we used protection. This can't be true, either way I need to find out. So I reply telling her to meet me tonight.

"Charlie! Oh i've missed you so much!" Sofia comes running up to me squealing and practically jumps into my arms. Ew, get off.

"Sofia are you fucking with me right now or are you actually pregnant?" I demand pulling her off me.

"Charles can we talk more privately inside about this in the restaurant and not here in the middle of the street!" She squawks.

"Sofia just tell me" I sigh, annoyed by her already.

"Yes of course I am now can we go inside?" She snaps grabbing my arm.

"Fuck, fine." I reply running a hand through my hair.

I. Want. To. Cry.

She drags me round the corner but before we can enter the restaurant we are surround by paparazzi.

"Sofia tell me you didn't call the paparazzi" I snap, attempting to pull my hood further over my head to disguise myself, not that would do any help to the paparazzi screaming my name.

"I swear I didn't, they must've just been in the area" She shrugs before posing for the cameras, wrapping her arm round my waist.

"What are you doing? We aren't a thing." I hiss into her ear.

"Charles you're the father of the child i'm bearing, just smile" She casually says behind a plastic smile.

I grimace at the cameras, desperate to get inside the restaurant as soon as possible. We eventually are able to wade through the mass of flashing lights and are seated inside the restaurant.

"I don't understand Sofia, we used protection!" I tell her now starting to stress. I want a family for sure, but definitely not with her.

"I don't know either Charles, it must've been fate!" She beams.

Fate my ass.

"I can't deal with this right now" I sigh covering my face with my hands.

A waiter comes over to take our orders but before I can Sofia speaks for me.

"A bottle of your finest champagne immediately, we are celebrating!" She cheers.

I turn to her giving her a confused look, which she doesn't acknowledge and the waiter walks away after a nod getting us a bottle.

"Erm hello?"

"What's wrong? Did you want something different?" She replies absolutely clueless.

"Sofia are you thick? You can't have alcohol you're pregnant!?"

"Ohh yeah, forgot about that, silly me! I'll just go change that for us." She awkwardly laughs jumping from her seat. But before she can speed off, I grab her holding her back.

"Show me the pregnancy test"

"I don't carry it in my handbag Charles" She scoffs rolling her eyes.

"Then let's leave, I want to see you do the test, and see the positive result with my own eyes." I say sternly.

"Charles, stop it you're creating a scene." She whispers at me, her face panicked.

"You're lying to me, you're not pregnant you never have been, i'm so naive" I say my voice now raised.

"You're being ridiculous" She squeaks.

"Then come on let's go do the test." I demand annoyed, standing up and dragging her with me.

"No I don't want to leave!" She yells attempting to go back to our seats.

By now we've earned a few dismissive looks from people around us who i've mouthed an apologetic sorry to.

"Fine then you can stay, i'll go." I shrug grabbing my jacket.

"No please don't." She begs gripping onto my arms.

"You're a liar." I scoff about to leave.

"Oh so now you're just gonna go run off to that whore-faced bitch! That's fine go leave the woman carrying your child!" She cries out.

"I swear to god don't you ever call her those things again" I growl turning back pointing my finger in her face.

"The only person here who is a whore-faced bitch is you as well as being a dirty liar." I sneer into her ear watching as her face fills with horror.

I walk out with a satisfied smirk on my face leaving behind the blubbering mess. Fortunately, I don't think i'll be seeing her ever again.

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