29- Norman Fucking Rockwell

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The next morning I wake up in an unfamiliar room, Charles's room.  A smile immediately forming on my face as I recall the events that played out last night. I go to grab Charles's arm having missed it's company from when it was wrapped round my waist when we went to bed last night but my hand only grabs the bedsheet. I flip onto my side to see the space next to me empty. I call his name now starting to panic, no reply. I check my phone to see if he has messaged me, nothing. I jump out of bed searching for a note or something to just tell me that I was wrong about him and that he hasn't just left me after everything. Nothing.

Tears sting in my eyes as I come to the realisation that I was right all along, all he ever wanted was to fuck then leave. I'm such an idiot for ever thinking that he was different. I storm out of his room, stealing one of his t-shirt since I can't be bothered to put on my dress again, and leave, slamming the door behind me.

I enter my hotel room and quickly start shoving all my things in to my suitcase not bothering to be neat as tears uncontrollably roll down my face. Wanting to get out of here as soon as possible, I order a taxi for the airport, not caring that my flight isn't supposed to be until tomorrow, deciding that I'll get the first one I can today. I can't stay in this hotel a second longer.

I get to the airport and find out the next flight is only in an hours time so I quickly buy a ticket and make my way to the terminal. I check my phone again, some hope in me that he has messaged me. Nope. I laugh at myself, how could I be so stupid? How could I let myself get hurt so easily? Lando had warned me, I should've just listened and not have fallen for his stupid fucking charms. 

I arrive in LA at 4pm and immediately message Taylor when i'm in the taxi to my apartment.


SOS I need you


"Oh baby" Taylor sympathises as I open my apartment door to reveal my tear stained face and bloodshot eyes.

She engulfs me in her arms, stroking my hair as my tears immediately start falling again. I attempt to tell her what's happened in between my sobs and sniffles.

"Honey you know I love you but I can't hear a word you're saying right now" Taylor whispers, softly laughing.

I pull back from our embrace a small smile on my face, already feeling better with her presence. She pulls out a tissue box from her bag and wipes at the dribbles of snot under my nose.

"See I came prepared" She says as she also pulls out a tub of my favourite ice cream.

"Argh this is why I love you" I gush pulling back in for another hug.

"Okay now let's eat away our feelings whilst you tell me what happened." She she says sitting down on the sofa and patting at the space next to her indicating for me to join her.

I get two spoons and switch on the TV clicking play on Dirty Dancing.

I explain to her everything that happened last night and what I woke up this morning. I must admit I did have a breakdown halfway through but we pushed through it thanks to her shovelling ice cream in my mouth to muffle the sobs whilst I watched Patrick Swayze dance his cute little butt. Immediately i'm healed.

"I hate this man and I've never even met him!" She huffs as she wipes away the last of my tears.

"I'm an idiot for falling for his act." I mumble, the embarrassment being real.

"Please! He's an idiot for walking away from you!" She exclaims flailing her arms.

I nod my head, attempting to believe her words.

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