07: Buy chocolate

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With the departure of the little evil spirit, the hall of the haunted building fell into deathly silence again.

The man got up from the sofa, and the black mist covering his body dissipated naturally and returned to the air. The moment the black mist was about to dissipate, the man's eyes touched the delicate and beautiful flowers on the table, and he hurriedly re-enveloped the black mist around him.

But it was too late.

The dazzlingly colorful flowers just shriveled and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a puddle of sticky mud, which dripped on the table and in the bottle, staining the clear stream in the bottle into a foul-smelling yellow.

And the faint scent of grass and trees that permeated the hall had also turned into a pungent stench.

Watching the whole process of the flower's decay, the skin around the man's lips became tighter, and he silently looked away.

Suddenly, the man's already pale face became paler, and at the same time, a mass of black as thick as ink spread from his chest, screaming like a beast with teeth and claws trying to break free from the man's chest. The dense black thread finally imprisoned the denser darkness in the man's heart.

He knew that his body was about to fail, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

Having just experienced a fierce struggle in his body, the man's breathing was a little short, his handsome face was bloodless, only a glaring scarlet oozing from the corners of his lips.

The smelly old man said that when the previous Shouxin begins to decline, the next Shouxin will naturally appear.

The man's body began to decline, and the state of being unable to suppress the thing in his body has been going on for a while, but his successor has not yet appeared.

But... since the stinky old man said this, it shouldn't be possible to deceive him.

The man lowered his eyes and made a gesture with his fingertips. After a while, the rotten flowers on the table and the foul-smelling stream in the vase were all cleaned up, including the blood on the corner of his lips.

Looking at the neat and tidy hall, the man's frowning brows slowly relaxed, and when his eyes touched the vase on the table that reflected the faint blue flame light, the weak and clumsy evil spirit that just had a meal with him appeared in his mind without warning.

If he died, that little evil spirit would not be able to find food elsewhere, and would starve to death soon.

It was obviously a completely logical conjecture, but when the man thought of this, his heart trembled uncontrollably, as if being grabbed by something.

The little evil spirit, who didn't know that he was being missed by the evil spirit, was floating on his way home at the moment, and his mind was full of thoughts about how he could obtain a piece of chocolate legally and legally.

Since Da Xie Chong is willing to be his long-term meal ticket, he should naturally give some feedback to Mr. Meal Ticket.

The little evil spirit racked his brains for a long time to think about what he could give to the big evil spirit, and finally thought of chocolate.

Seeing that the big evil is wearing an ancient black robe, it should not be a modern spirit, so he doesn't know what chocolate is.

From birth to death, You Xiaoye felt that chocolate was the most delicious food in the world, and it was a pity that Da Xie Chong couldn't eat it, so he came up with the idea of ​​letting Da Xie Chong have a taste of chocolate.

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