Extra chapter 09/??: As the salt of the earth.

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Otanur closed his eyes as he lowered his head in exhaustion. The carriage moved softly over the smooth street and the drops of the unusual spring rain hit the window softly.

It was late and the darkness of night made his eyes feel heavy. The trip back to town had been long and tiresome. His past month had been so hectic it felt like an entire year has passed.

Between carrying on with the funeral, and having to sort the infinite legal documents regarding the ownership of the Vorek business, it all had been a nightmare that he felt he couldn't get out of.

He missed Tuktirey. He missed her dearly.

Even after the disastrous result of their last conversation, he knew he couldn't live with himself if he were to leave things between them as they were, so he decided he would wait a few days for things to calm down, and then talk to her, but his plans went crashing down by the news of his uncle's death.

He barely knew the man. He knew he should have felt sad, and in a way he did, but not because he cared for him but rather for pity. The man never married, and although the family was very much aware of the many out-of-wedlock children the man had thanks to his love for women, none of them had a right to a single penny since he was so adamant to deny them.

"All bastards." He once said, and Otanur would only sigh and shake his head in disapproval.

Sometimes he wondered if the Voreks were capable of feeling love, and there were moments when he feared being as damaged as them. Was the wicked disease that tormented his bloodline running in his veins too?

It was vicious and capable of ruining whoever had the misfortune of getting tangled in it. Now he carried the burden that was his last name engraved on his skin like a curse.

It made him scarred and ugly, not to the eye, but rather to the soul.

And he feared Tuktirey would be able to see it too.

"Welcome back, Mister. I do hope your way home had not been too troublesome." A servant greeted him as soon as he went through the door.

"Going outside is always troublesome, Henry." Otanur took his coat off and began to make his way upstairs.

"Uhm, sorry, Sir, but your mother has been waiting for your arrival for quite a while now, should I tell her that you went to sleep?" He saw Otanur sigh and shake his head.

"I suppose a brief 'hello' won't hurt anyone." He walked to the drawing room where he could hear his mother's voice humming, which was strange.

"You should not have stayed awake waiting for me, it is late." He spoke softly standing by the wide open doors.

She turned around wearing her usually stoic face, but for some reason, she appeared to be a lot less tense than usual, but perhaps that was only the lighting from the fireplace.

He wondered if she was not bothered by how warm the room was, but then again, the woman had a low body temperature, that why her hand felt always cold to the touch.

"I just wanted to know how everything went." She spoke quietly, walking around the room with slow steps.

"Documents in order, and his funeral went...as well as it could have gone." He muttered as he followed her with his eyes.

"Meaning?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Some of his children were there."

"Ugh, and what for? Were they expecting money?" Missus Vorek scoffed, slowly turning to question his son for his silence. "Otanur, did you give them money?" She tilted her head in disbelief.

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