Chapter 13: Jealousy

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Lo'ak walked with long strides along the dirt path. The morning felt fresh thanks to the remains of the drizzle from the previous night but it was bearable even with the thin clothing he was wearing.

His white shirt fitted loosely on him, unlike the black pants that molded perfectly around his waist, while the dark brown vest covering his upper body was hidden under the black coat that provided him with just the amount of warmth he needed.

The sound of the birds in the trees cheered him a little. He enjoyed the melody, moving his fingers in the air while he imagined the tails of his piano.

His trailing of thought was rudely interrupted by a carriage approaching, making him move to the side of the road not paying much mind to it until a voice cut through the silence of the early morning.

"Lo'ak!" He lifted his head to see Tsireya waving at him from the window, instantly painting a smile on his face. "Good morning!"

"Morning!" He jogged a little to catch up to her as soon as the horses stopped.

"Where are you heading?" She stuck her head out to look more closely at him.

"I'm just going to town for some groceries."

"Me too! Let's go together!" She urged him to get on and he did a little doubtful and soon they were on their way.

Lo'ak kept his back against the seat as far as he could as he had overestimated the space inside and now his knees were almost brushing Tsireya's if not for the fabric of her dress keeping them apart.

He didn't know whether to feel thankful or disappointed.

"Are you headed to buy groceries too?" Lo'ak spoke to end the silence between the two. Tsireya giggles a little.

"Oh, no. I'm getting new ribbons and some embroidery supplies for me and the girls."

"Ah..." He nodded slowly a little embarrassed by his question. Obviously, she wasn't there for groceries. Why would she while living in a house with a dozen servants who could take care of those things?

"I like your vest, It's very pretty. I haven't seen you wearing it before." She pointed just as Lo'ak became aware of the way he was dressed.

There was nothing particularly wrong with his vest Kiri and Tuk were the ones who had given it to him on his birthday and it was his favorite because they had embroidered all kinds of flowers in it, but for some reason, this fact made him feel a little embarrassed.

"Thank you, it was a gift...from the girls." His voice grew smaller and silence fell again noticing how Tsireya's face fell slightly.

He was not trying to be rude to her, and Eywa forbids the day Lo'ak purposely made Tsireya feel upset, but he couldn't quite place what was wrong with him that morning.

Maybe it was the closeness making his hands sweet, or perhaps the lack of sleep making his head hurt, but whatever it was he needed to get his attitude right before Tsireya got the wrong impression.

"How are they?"

"Hmm?" She tilted her head.

"My sisters." He mumbled. "I haven't got the opportunity to speak properly to Kiri. Every time she goes home it's only to ask about Neteyam and I can hardly get a word out of her regarding herself.

"Oh, your sisters, of course." She thought for a moment. "I cannot say much about Kiri, I believe she doesn't like to speak to me regarding the current situation, but she does spend most of her time with Rotxo, and from what I have heard they are very trusting of each other. It makes me glad to see them make each other company at times like these."

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