Extra chapter 08/??: A sweet dream and a twisted lie

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Tuktirey fidgeted in place until she could no longer stay still on her bed.

A couple of weeks had gone by since the disastrous night, and she haven't heard a word from Otanur.

Naturally, it was expected, after the harsh way the matter had been settled Tuktirey imagined nothing different happening afterwards.

Until the previous night when a thought came, and realization washed over her like a bucket of freezing water: Would Otanur's silence remain forever?

It was the logical thing to believe. Who would want to go back to the person who said such cruel things after making their feelings known? She would have been devasted.

She was devasted.

No one in her family except Neteyam knew what had occurred, and she was sure her brother would keep silent after she asked him to do so, but silence could only last so long, and after Tuktirey's acting skills were proven to be insufficient, they began to ask questions.

Her mother seemed particularly eager to know what had happened to Eraen. People's whispers spread like wildfire and soon reached everyone's ears.

Of course, rumors were very far from the truth, because even after Lo'ak and Tsireya burst through the door demanding to know if she was engaged to Eraen Maher, it took her unimaginable efforts to convince them otherwise.

No, Tuktirey was not engaged to him by any means...


After being comforted by her brother she dried her tears and offered little to no explanation, he didn't need any for he had seen it all, so Neteyam let her go, and just when Tuktirey believed to be free from everyone, Eraen found her by the lake.

He was truly ashamed, believing that his sudden request have been the cause of all her distress. He apologized, but still asked her to reconsider the offer.

So now here she was, staring at the letter she had just sealed, and which carried her answer.

It was merely a piece of paper, but it weighted like no other between her fingers. She refused to give it much thought, though. It had already been decided, and she remained firm even after the man in front of her put a stamp on it.

She watched the letter disappear in a pile of many others as she took a big breath. Her feelings regarding the matter didn't waver, and she kept her head high all the way to Otanur's home.

It was moment to sort things out like the civilized people they were. He was her dearest friend and she was not willing to lose him if she could help it.

Of course, if he decided not to speak to her ever again it would crush her, but she supposed it was fair, and the love she had for him made her understanding.

The door was opened by the housekeeper. Tuktirey didn't know her name, but judging by the way the old woman stared her down, Tuk was certain she did know hers.

"Good evening." Tuk greeted her with a steady voice, not letting herself be intimidated. "I'm here for Mister Vorek, is he available?"

The woman tilted her head ever so slightly and moved away from the door to free her path. The housekeeper silently guided her through the house, and Tuktirey's shoes were so loud against the tails that her presence was made known to the entire household.

She crossed the doors to the drawing room expecting to be told to wait for Otanur, but all she found was the sight of Missus Vorek quietly sipping her afternoon tea as if she were already expecting her visit.

"Miss Sully, ma'am." The woman spoke.

"Thank you, Missus Alford." Missus Vorek put her cup aside and soon it was only her and Tuktirey in the room. "I do not believe standing to be more comfortable than the perfectly good and empty sofa in front of me."

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