Chapter 42: Matters of the heart.

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(This chapter is for you to relax a little, not too sad, not too hapy


There is a link on my profile to a pinterest board with reference images for this fic if you want to check it out. )

Summer had arrived.

And unlike others, the Sullys could not enjoy the beginning of the warm season as they did per usual, too worried by much more important matters regarding Neteyam's health.

Aonung stayed by the door frame of the bedroom watching Doctor Wilford examine Neteyam as he was seated on the edge of the bed. His mother and siblings were inside the room with him staying completely silent as they all watched the examination unfold.

Neteyam turned his head to give Ao'nung a reassuring smile that he returned even if his nerves were not put at ease. Ao'nung was anxious. His father had brought one of his friend's doctors from the city to get a much clear diagnosis of Neteyam's condition.

From what Tonowari had told them Doctor Wilford was one of the best in what he did, and it showed since he was taking his sweet time through the examination to be certain of his diagnosis, leaving everyone on the edge of their seats every time his face twitched with something unknown. He made Neteyam many questions regarding his symptoms from when the sickness first started until that very moment, humming, or clicking his tongue with each answer.

It killed Ao'nung not knowing the meaning of each sound.

But he figured it could not be good once he put his medical tools aside and sighed.

"Well, as far as I can see your body had gotten rid of the sickness, there is no fever and the seizures you talked about fortunately didn't leave any lasting consequences." Ao'nung let his breath go, noticing how Lo'ak did as well, but they didn't have enough time to feel relieved before he spoke again. "However, I regret to inform you that the fever has weakened your heart."

"My heart?" Neteyam mumbled.

"What you experienced is called Rheumatic fever. It is not contagious since is an immune response but is a condition that can make your heart swell."

"And what does this mean for him?" Neytiri sat shakily next to her son, grabbing his hand tenderly.

"Well, he might experience physical pain in his joints, fast heartbeats, and fatigue, this is why he must implement some physical restrictions on his daily life from now on."

"Up until...?" Kiri spoke up, feeling uneasy by his sudden silence.

"Forever, I'm afraid." The doctor pursed his lips as he watched the expressions of the whole family fall. "His condition will remain as it is. He will not get better."

"What? Ever? Lo'ak jumped in.

"Scarlett fever is a very complicated disease that can lead to many long-term health problems." He sighed looking at Neteyam. "I know it might not seem like it, but you are very lucky you survived this. Many don't these days."

"Ah, I see..." Neteyam mumbled, gaze lost, and shoulders hunched.

Doctor Wilford kept talking but to Ao'nung it just sounded as muffled noises in the distance, too focused on watching Neteyam looking at him with the face proper of a man that had just admitted defeat. His smile was trembling and apologetic as if the hand that was squeezing Ao'nung's heart was his own.

He felt a gentle hand against his back, and he turned around to see Rotxo and Tsireya giving him sorry looks, and it infuriated him because why was he the one getting comforted when Neteyam was truly the victim of all of this?

To our little ones || Aonung x NeteyamWhere stories live. Discover now