Chapter 21: Bare

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Neteyam watched silently as Ao'nung adjusted the saddle on the back of the beautiful black horse. He had given his coat to Neteyam to cover himself from the cold morning breeze and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to make himself more comfortable.

"Have you ever ridden a horse before?" Ao'nung spoke still showing his back to Neteyam who couldn't seem to keep his eyes away from the sight. His shoulders were broad and his back muscular. He felt embarrassed for noticing.

"No. Lo'ak used to when we were little, but I always found horses intimidating." He played with his hair. He had decided to keep it down that morning.

"This adorable thing? Intimidating?" He went to pat the muzzle of the animal.

"I was a lot shorter when I was eight years old, so yes." Neteyam frowned, embarrassed by Ao'nung's little laughs.

"It's a good thing I'm here then, to protect you from the big scary horse." He saw Neteyam roll his eyes. "But don't worry, she is in a good mood today, I doubt she will give us any trouble. Isn't that right, Keela?"

Ao'nung turned around to stretch his arm waiting for Neteyam to hold his hand so he could help him get on top of the horse.

"I can do it on my own, thank you." He muttered before letting go of a deep sigh, still a little hesitant.

"I know you can." He reassured with a gentle smile but wrapping his hands around Neteyam's waist. "You have to put your foot in the stirrup to climb up."

Ao'nung tightened his grip, hand twitching after realizing how small Neteyam's waist was. His hands could easily go all the way around it without even trying.

"Ao'nung..." He turned his head to the side to find out the reason for the delay.

"Could we...?" He paused. "Can we not do that anymore?"

"What do you mean?" Neteyam put his hands on top of his to regain stability. His foot was still being held by the stirrup.

"The name...thing. Can we go back as we were before?" Nervously he waited. Perhaps his request was too much.

"Will you try to talk properly to my brother after this?" His eyes squinted in expectance.

"Absolutely." He nodded with a solemn expression.

"Then yes, Nung. We can go back."

A grin took over Ao'nungs' lips and a sudden wave of energy made his chest fuzzy. In a quick motion, he raised Neteyam to seat him properly on the saddle without breaking s sweat.

This only action made Neteyam so surprised that unconsciously his hands gripped the horn of the saddle until his knuckles turned white, and he saw himself in the need to close his eyes to get rid of the strange new feeling in his stomach.

"You must be calm. " Ao'nung spoke right behind his ear with a soft voice. He hadn't noticed the moment he got there. "If you are agitated she will feel it too." His hand reached Neteyam's leaving gentle caresses to ease his nerves.

"Alright...Okay." Neteyam mumbled, too concentrated to notice the sweet smile that Ao'nung wore while looking at him.

"Do you want to hold the reins?" He saw hesitation cross his eyes and he felt Neteyam's grip tightening. "You won't fall, I promise. I'll make sure you don't."

Ao'nung gave the rains to Neteyam and as soon he took them his hands wrapped securely around his and they made their way to the little forest behind the Sully's house. The weather was getting warmer and their bodies were as well.

To our little ones || Aonung x NeteyamWhere stories live. Discover now