Chapter 28: Fuss & feathers

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Miles paced around the room, pinching the bridge of his nose, the silence only broken by the sound of his footsteps against the cold marvel floor.

"Are you done?" Mo'at asked watching him throwing his ridiculous fit from the sofa, cane in hand. "Dear, I can assure you no woman would like to see that, pull yourself together."

"You said this would be easy!" He raised his voice enough to make his displease clear.

"I say many things, so I don't remember ever saying that." She shrugged very nonchalantly. "But if I did, then there is something you must be doing wrong."

"How could it be my fault when she is the one walking around with that insufferable character of hers!?" He sat down abruptly, a loud scoff coming out of him.

"You just don't know how to handle it yet, but is easier than you might think." Mo'at laughed, entertained by Miles's little outburst. "Just say some kind thing and agree to what she has to say, Kiri doesn't like to be contradicted."

"Don't you say?" He tilted his head sarcastically.

"Now, don't be rude boy. I'm trying to help you." Mo'at face hardened.

"Don't act like I'm not doing your family a favor." Miles showed her a smug smile.

"As much as I'm doing a favor to yours, Miles. Don't try to be smart with me because I can get another desperate young man in the blink of an eye, you are just lucky I happen to be friends with your father." They threw sharp glances at each other before she clicked her tongue. "So, are you going to listen or not?"

"Yes, ma'am." He said through gritted teeth.

"Be nice, do not contradict her, and if you have the opportunity say something nice about her family, even if you find it very hard. There are very few things to praise about them, but I'm sure you will think of something."

"What if she gets angry for something I say? I have seen her do that before, and don't think I will find it in myself to be nice if she does." He leaned back in the seat, already tired just thinking about it.

"I'm not asking you to kiss the ground she walks on." Mo'at sighed. "I'm going, to be honest with you, boy...I have already done most of the work, she will say yes eventually. All you have to do is put up with her little attitude long enough for her to remove you from the acquaintance position, yes?"

"If she is so desperate, can't I just give her the ring? Everyone wins in the end and as soon as we marry I don't have to pretend to be nice anymore."

"Don't be stupid, child! Do you think that those brothers of hers will allow her to get married to a man they barely even heard of? They might be foolish but there is some sense reminding in them!" Mo'at touched her forehead, feeling a migraine coming soon.

"Alright then." He mumbled.

"You still seem unhappy, what is it?"

"Did she tell you about...that friend of hers?"

"What friend?" She sat straight, alarms going off in her head.

"I don't remember his name, nor I care, but they seem to be close...More than they should be." He frowned.

"Do you know which family he is from?"

"He works for the Geljos. I visit them and asked a servant on my way out. He is a tutor, they said."

"I'm sure he isn't important, as soon as you make your intentions clear with her she will forget all about him. My granddaughter might be stubborn and ill-tempered, but she is no idiot. And even if she likes him, her heart does not matter as long as her hand remains free...And you will take care of that, won't you?"

To our little ones || Aonung x NeteyamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora