Chapter 40: Bluebells

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Kiri took a deep breath before knocking on the door of her home. The broken necklace weighed heavily in the tied-on pocket hidden inside the skirt of her dress. Even standing outside she could hear someone going down the stairs and judging by the particular quick steps she knew it was Lo'ak, which only made her more nervous.

Rotxo who was standing by her side gave her a light squeeze for reassurance, which she thanked, but it didn't manage to put at ease the anxious shakes of her body.

The door was swung open and there stood her brother looking at her with a scowl.

"May I come in?" She spoke shyly and after a moment he walked inside leaving the path open for them.

"This is your house; I don't see why you are asking me for permission. You are still a Sully, or am I wrong?" He tilted his head in a very mocking way that only made her sigh.

"Where is Neteyam?"

"Upstairs." He mumbled showing her his back as he walked to the kitchen. "You can go see him. Doctor says he is past the contagious stage."

"Since when?" Kiri smiled as her body relaxed.

"Two weeks? I think." Lo'ak mumbled, not changing his hardened expression even at the cheerful news.

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Netayam wants to regain strength because he doesn't want Tuk to see him looking sick."

"That I understand, but why didn't you tell me? I would have come!" She tried to approach him as a wave of anger washed over her.

"You should have come regardless, but apparently you were too busy acting all high and mighty to even look our way. Just because you are going to marry some rich man and wear big dresses now, doesn't mean that we are any less your family."

"That is not fair..." Kiri shook her head slowly, almost choking on her breath.

"Do you want to talk about fair!? Very well then! How fair do you think it is that I have had to spend entire nights hearing mom crying because she believes she is to blame for the ruin of your life!? How fair do you think it is to have to see Neteyam spending sleepless nights writing letters like a madman, writing to Eywa knows who, to solve the mess you have gotten yourself into! And then you disappear for weeks without having enough consideration to even throw a single thanks his way. Really Kiri, how ungrateful can you be!?"

She stood silently, believing that she didn't have any right to fight back, so she resumed to hold back the immensurable urge of releasing every single bitter emotion that have been shone away to the deepest parts of her. She blinked quickly to make the tears that blurred her sight disappear and silently made her way up the stairs under their gazes.

Lo'ak huffed, crossing his arms defensively at Rotxo's reproaching look.

"That was cruel." He let him know in a gentle tone.

"It's the truth, if it sounds cruel to her that is not my problem." Lo'ak clicked his tongue, angry eyes flickering as he reconsidered his words.

"It's okay to be angry, I would understand why you are angry in a situation like this, she made bad decisions.

"Stupid ones." His expression slowly softened, however, his eyebrows reminded furrowed in realization.

"It must be frustrating to see your sister suffering this way, I know I would feel just like it if Reya went through something like this, but just because you are angry it doesn't give you the right to be cruel."

"Is what she needs to hear."

"What she needs is her brothers. If Neteyam is helping her then that means he had already forgiven her, or perhaps there was nothing to forgive in the first place. So, I guess what I am trying to say is...why are you still angry?"

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