Chapter 26: To father.

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A brief collection of Neteyam's letters through the years.

(Fixed because I updated the wrong version...)

36 north road,


29th July 1861

Dear father:

It has been a few months since you left and many things have changed, mother misses you very much and all of us as well.

We live in a new house! Is small and far from town but it's cozy and there is a beautiful forest nearby, which Kiri finds rather convenient since she has taken a liking to plants.

Lo'ak is learning to play piano with nuns at church and he is very excited about it! Mother says he is very good, although I am yet to hear him play.

Tuk is still very small so she can't play with us yet, but we take very good care of her to make sure she grows up fast. I hope she can understand what we say, and I'm very excited for the moment the starts to talk.

(I am in very much need of someone to talk about my books with since Lo'ak finds it boring and Kiri only cares about the fantasy ones)

We miss you greatly and we cannot wait for the moment of your return.

Yours sincerely,



36 north road,


25th December 1861

Dear father:

It's Christmas! Mother said that since the forest behind our new home is so beautiful, we should use one of those trees instead of buying one in town this year, so Lo'ak and I went with mother to help her carry it home. I have never seen mother use an axe before! It was scary but I think Lo'ak was impressed.

There aren't many gifts under the tree this year, I guess it must be because Lo'ak tore one of Kiri's dresses while playing, they fought and I had to take the blame when mother scolded us. I'm a little sad, it was only a small fight, but I guess that still counts as misbehaving. I wish Santa would be fairer.

In more cheerful news, TukTuk is very close to saying her first words! Mother says babies take their time, but I heard her say my name the other day, I swear!

I would love to know how you spend your Christmas there! Do you miss us? I hope you think about us often because we are always thinking about you!

Yours sincerely,



36 north road,


28th March 1862

Dear father:

Spring has arrived! Which means now I'm a year older than I was when you left. I can tell Lo'ak is jealous, he has been grumpy and upset all day but there is nothing I can do about it! He's been asking me to go explore the rest of the forest with him, and I think I will finally say yes tomorrow. Hopefully, that will get him in better spirits.

Kiri is learning how to bake pastries because she says that will help her make new friends at school. Boys at school are very friendly with Lo'ak and me, but I guess for girls it must be different because it's been months and sister told me girls are still being mean to her. I wish I could do something about it, but she asked me not to tell mother since she doesn't want to trouble her.

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