extra chapter 01/ ??: A Symphony of Sighs.

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The morning was warm, just as any other since the arrival of summer, and despite it, Rotxo felt cold sweat run down his back.

There was only a week left before the wedding and things were splendid. He could not be happier at the idea of finally starting a life with the woman he loved; however, he was beginning to think that perhaps he was alone in that feeling.

He was aware that people usually felt nervous and anxious previous to the big moment; it hadn't happened to him, but it was certainly happening to Kiri.

He looked at her sitting next to him at the table. It was well into the afternoon, and she was just having her first meal of the day, or well, trying to as it seemed that she had no intention of eating what was on the plate before her.

Rotxo sighed setting his pen aside.

"Are you feeling unwell?" He spoke softly seeing as she covered her eyes for a moment.

"It's only a headache." She mumbled.

'Only' Rotxo wanted to click his tongue in disagreement.

"You've been feeling like this for the past few weeks, and you barely eat anything. Why don't you let me call for a doctor?" He reached for her hand, and she brushed him off shaking her head.

"I'm just feeling tired."

"I can make something else for you, anything you want." He insisted.

Rotxo waited for her answer, but she remained silent. Kiri turned to the side to look at him with a troubled expression and sighed.

It was a short, soft sigh that managed to make her face fall into exhaustion, and it carried something unknown that made Rotxo skip a heartbeat.

He wanted to ask what was wrong, but she was gone before he could even open his mouth.

Although to him the answer was clear.

"Kiri is angry at me." He told Neteyam as he took another sip of whatever he had served him.

"Well, what did you do?" Lo'ak chuckled as he made his way into the kitchen, snatching the bottle from Neteyam's hands and giving some more to Rotxo who was laying over the table.

"I don't know!" Rotxo whispered loudly to avoid disturbing everyone who was already sleeping on the second floor.

"But what did she say?"

"She sighed." He covered his face with a groan.

"She...sighed?" Lo'ak laughed.

"I've seen you at the barge of tears because Reya gave you a harsh look, who are you to judge me!?" Rotxo turned around angrily, ignoring how Neteyam turned his head to the side to laugh.

"I must say, I have seen Kiri acting strange, could it be just nerves before the wedding?" Neteyam simply shrugged.

"No... there must be something else. She looked at me, then she sighed and looked away..."

"Oh, well..." He mumbled.

"What did you do wrong? There must be something." Lo'ak mumbled as well.

"I've been busy lately. Perhaps she is angry because we haven't been able to spend as much time together as before?"

"That doesn't sound like Kiri."

"No matter how I look at it, I still think it's the wedding. It happens to people more frequently than you think, what was it called?"

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