Extra chapter 05/?? : An exceptional hunter

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Tuktirey fanned herself. She had lived all her life in the most secluded part of Massachusetts where the weather was especially hot during summer, and yet she had never felt so warm as she did now stuck in a carriage with her parents.

"What is the delay for?" Neytiri accepted the fan her daughter let her borrow.

"Perhaps someone lost a wheel." Jake said lightheartedly, much to the women's annoyance.

"This spring is particularly hot." Neytiri watched Tuktirey fidgeting with her dress. She was shifty, unable to keep still in her seat for more than a minute

Her sighing was starting to get their attention, but before they could ask she turned to look at her father.

"Daddy, how is the business going?" She leaned back into the seat.

"I don't think I have the heart to bore you with the topic." Jake chuckled.

"It's been a while since I last asked, and you seem so busy lately, so I want to know. I promise."

"Its success is undeniable." He brushed his vest with his head held high, drawing a laugh out of his daughter.

"I can see that, what a refined gentleman you have become." Tuk nodded playfully.

"Tonowari told me I have to start using more fancy words when doing business in person. I know he is right, those old gents seem to like them, but I have lost practice after so many years around soldiers that cursed for a living."

"Tell me about it, I am tired of speaking like I have a potato in my mouth." She grimaced, making her father laugh uproariously. Neytiri tried to poke his side reprehensibly but it was obvious that she was containing her laugh.

"You don't have to if you don't like it, none of us will judge you for it."

"Well, I know that." She was thankful for the words of her mother, but they didn't do much to ease her nerves. "Can't say the same for the other gawkers. Heaven forbid I make a mistake, I'll be ruined."

"And since when do you care for what that people think?" Her father raised an eyebrow.

"Since I have decided that it's time for me to..." She closed her eyes for a moment, sitting straight in place. "I am a woman now."

"...No." Jake shook his head in denial.

"Yes." Tuktirey nodded, bearing all the patience of the world. "And there is a time in a woman's life when she starts looking for..."

"But you are still a little girl, so there is no need to."

"Jake..." Naytiri took her husband's hand. "Our daughter is of age, and If she thinks is time, then it's time."

"You cannot expect me to live with you forever, surely you wouldn't want that." Tuk tried to hide a smile, most touched by his sadness." I want a house of my own."

"And what is the advantage of a house of your own? Our home is...better! This is entirely unnecessary, poor you- poor of your sister!"

"Daddy, Kiri married ten years ago. Surely you are not sad about it still."

"What an awful day that was." He mumbled rubbing his eyes, stressed.

"You will have to come to terms with it because this is decided."

"And do you not fear what your brothers will think?" He squinted his eyes, trying to scare the idea away from her.

"It matters little what they think. They have their spouses, and now It's my turn. The day would have come eventually. This event it's a perfect opportunity to find a suitor."

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