Chapter 41: Prideful thinking

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Rotxo paced outside the door of Tonowari's study. He tried to knock a couple of times, but he was unsuccessful. Doubt gnawed at him, making him wonder if he really had the right to ask for such a bold thing. He didn't wish to make Tonowri believe that he felt entitled to ask for things just because he was allowed to live in their home.

Because despite the brotherly relationship he had with his children, it was an undeniable truth that their bond didn't go past the emotional line, and the last thing Rotxo wished was to push past the man's limits and end up being cast aside as nothing more than a stranger.

Once again orphan, once again alone.

Rotxo took a big breath and went in completely forgetting to knock first.

"Rotxo?" Tonowari turned around from his corner of the room. He carried a book in his hands that was quickly forgotten at the sight of him.

"Sorry...I should have knocked." He mumbled closing the door softly. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"I have most of the paperwork sorted out, but I still need to check on the ones regarding the management of the house."

"Oh, I can do that." Rotxo eyed the folders but remained standing, hands held against his stomach anxiously. Tonowari stood near the window opening the blinds to let inside some of the morning light. "Is there anything else you could...entrust me with?" He cleared his throat, doing his best to appear as casual as ever.

"Is there anything you wish I could entrust you with?" Tonowari crossed his arms, wearing a curious smile.

"No, no..." He shook his head softly, not meeting his eyes. "Well, yes. Actually. There is something."

"I know that." He chuckled. "Why are you acting as if I would get angry?"

"I don't think you would get angry, I'm just...afraid I might be overstepping." He scratched the desk with his nail, trying to get rid of an imperfection that was not there. "I was wondering if you would me a job...A proper job."

"A job..." Tonowari hummed processing his words.

"I know it is a lot to ask, but I also know that I am good with numbers, and I know how you like your work to be done. I could even go on your behalf to seal the deals when you do not have the time to, I have done it before. I will be responsible, and I will work hard, harder than any other! So... please consider, Sir."

"Knowing that everything you say it's true, I don't see why not." He tilted his head slightly. "Although I am curious, you don't enjoy teaching anymore?"

"No, I still do...and since there is nothing else for me to teach Ao, I thought I could look for a family in need of a tutor, and that was still the plan until...the most recent events."

"Those events being...?"

"I'm getting married." Rotxo raised his head for the first time through the conversation to look at Tonowari's puzzled expression.

"You...getting married?" He sighed trying to recover from the news. To him, it was something he had never seen coming because in his eyes Rotxo had always presented himself as a young man who had no desire for a family, too focused on his work to even consider such a thing. "To whom?"

"To Kiri." He stumbled over his words, growing embarrassed.

"The Sully girl..." An emotional laugh escaped him. "But it has not been a whole year since you two know each other."

"I know..." Rotxo whispered as if he didn't believe it. "But now I am a changed man, a spontaneous one."

"You are not spontaneous, child." Tonowari shook his head drowning in joyous laughter.

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