Chapter 15: Candlelight

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Tsireya unbraided the two front pieces of her hair watching her reflection in the mirror of her dresser. It was a cold night and the nightgown she was wearing failed to keep her warm, so he wrapped a shawl around her and took a seat on the chaise lounge near the balcony window.

With her favorite book in hand, Tsireya snuggled against the cushions and blankets she had set there for the reading and painting playdates she and Tuk often had.

The soothing sounds of the fireplace and the light rain outside made her yawn, however, her dozing off was interrupted by the constant sound of a small thing hitting the crystal window.

Her first guess was that one of the many birds from the tree outside had gotten hurt and ended up on her balcony as this was not the first time something like that happened, so she got up intending to help the poor creature.

But oh how surprised she was when once she opened the doors covered by raindrops her blue eyes met a set of amber ones that mischievously looked at her.

Lo'ak knew he was not supposed to be there, standing on her balcony and soaked from head to toe.

"It's pretty harsh weather considering spring is near, don't you think?" He leaned his head with a smirk.

"You wish to speak to me about the weather?" She kept her mouth agape as she was still not able to come out of her surprise.

"I wish to speak to you about any matter really...That if you allow me so." He scratched the back of his head. His confidence flattered a little, not so sure about his idea.

"Lo'ak, are you aware of what time it is? If my father or anyone were to find us alone in my bedroom...!"

"So, does that mean I can't come in?" He gave her a nervous look, smiling slightly once she grabbed his wrist to guide him inside.

Lo'ak was embraced by the warmth of the fireplace as Tsireya stood in front of him taking his wet coat off of him. Her fingers brushed his uncovered chest slightly thanks to the collar of his shirt being unbuttoned.

Even if it was for a moment he could tell Tsireyas hands were so warm it made his skin burn and his chest ache, longing for the touch that was cruelly taken away from him.

"You need to sit near the fire or else you will get sick." She guided him toward the spot she was before, pushing him slightly until Lo'ak was seated. Not once he took his eyes away from her.

"Thank you." He whispered as she handed him a small towel. He dried his face and most of his chest under Tsireya's gaze.

"What were you thinking coming here this late and with this weather." She brushed some of the drops of water he had missed from his face.

"I wasn't thinking really, I just...wanted to see you." He raised his head to look at her reaction, however, she didn't change the small smile coming from the corner of her lips. "Everyone was sleeping so they will not wonder where I am."

"You could have just waited for tomorrow." She tilted her head.

"Believe me, I couldn't possibly do that." He showed an apologetic expression and smiled gently after some thought. "But if me being here is uncomfortable to you just say the word and I'll be gone in an instant, Reya. I mean it."

"I don't like it when you call me that." She kept her voice low and gaze determinate.

"You don't?" Lo'aks' face visibly fell.

"No, that is what my friends and brothers call me."

"But we are friends, are we...not?" His voice died in the back of his throat once Tsireya cupped one of his cheeks with her hand. In consequence Lo'aks' lips parted slightly like he was trying to say something he was not so sure about himself.

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