Chapter 10: Memories

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Kiri stood by the window directly looking at her house. She could spot the window of their bedroom and the figure of someone walking across the room.

It had been days and by what Ao'nung had told them Neteyam's condition wasn't getting any better. Kiri had insisted many times to send for their mother, but Lo'ak refused. Their father's condition was still not the best and while Neteyam had all of them, Jake only had Neytiri.

She paced around the big study room, looking nervously through the shelves to clear her mind. Tuk's voice could be heard in the distance, busy looking at all the paintings of the house in the company of Tsireya.

"Have you found anything to your liking?" Rotxo spoke softly by the doors making Kiri jump a little. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to startle you." He approached rather embarrassed.

"I haven't read anything yet." She brushed some of her loose hair. She knew Rotxo didn't mind nor would comment on her looks, but she still felt a little self-conscious every time he stepped into the room.

"I know it can be hard to find something in here, but if you want my advice, everything that is not business related shall be found on the top shelves." He whispered like it was a secret. Too sacred for anyone else to hear.

Kiri nodded with a small smile that looked a little forced. Rotxo felt a tug on his heart but he had to remind himself that Kiri's had no bad intentions, it was just the worry for his brother that kept her so tense.

"Thank you, I'll look for something later. Although I found it rather difficult to concentrate these last couple of days." She finished with a sight, tracing her fingertips along the book covers, a little reluctant to look at him.

"If you would like to talk about it you already know I'm all ears." He took a seat near the window to look at her move around the room.

"I rather not. I feel it would be ungrateful."

"Ungrateful?" He watched her pause for a moment and then continue to put away the books she had taken before.

"Not only did you open the doors of your house to my sister and me, but also help to take care of my ill brother. And I'm here whining like I'm the one who has the right to suffer."

"But you do." He leaned forward on the chair. "It's only natural to feel upset when someone you love is in a poor state and you can't do much to help."

"I'm doing nothing to help." She mumbled shaking her head.

"You help by being here. By keeping yourself and your sister healthy." He pulled a nearby chair for her to sit and as she did he got a little bit closer. "I know it might not seem like it now, but eventually you'll realize that Lo'ak only wants to keep you safe. You are his sister, is only natural. Wouldn't you do the same if the roles were reversed?"

"I'm just..." He put a hand on her chest, speaking with a heavy heart. "I'm just scared. Why if something happens and I'm not there?" She knew Tuk was far from the room but she whispered anyways.

"And what do you mean by this "something"?" Kiri kept silent and looked at his eyes with those heavy-lidded of hers. Rotxo quickly understood. "Kiri, worst-case scenarios rarely happen."

"Scarlet fever is a serious thing, do you know how many people...?" The questions went unfinished.

"I do actually, but there is also a percent of them who recover. So, try to have some fate, and if not for it for Tuk." He squeezed her hand.

"It's hard not to think about the bad things. It's always better to be prepared for the worst so in the end it won't hurt as much...But that also makes me scared, to think about a world in which Neteyam is no more."

To our little ones || Aonung x NeteyamDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora