Chapter 23: Embrace the Future

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-Chronoa's / Kai's Home-

"Why do I always get to wash these plates?" mumbled Kai as he was washing the dishes. After his fight with Ace, everyone went back to the Time Nest to eat. Kai made a small feast for everyone, with Chronoa and Ai helping him. Mostly for himself, Trunks, and Ace. They are Saiyans, after all.

After eating, Trunks and Ace went back to their respective homes early. Elder Kai, too, had to go back to the Time Vault to check on the history. Now, it was 9:00 p.m.

"Don't complain, Kai. Can't you even help your mother doing chores around the house?" responded Chronoa after hearing him complaining.

"It's not like that.. I have so much work to do. Being an actor and an apprentice is hard, you know? Director left me so many tasks while he went on vacation."

Chronoa chuckled hearing about her son's work. Kai then told her that Ai and the kids are sleeping in his room because this house only has three rooms. One is Chronoa's own room. The other two are Kai's bedroom and a store that Chronoa used to store her things.

"The kids fell asleep after eating, so I told Ai to let them sleep in my bed." Kai offered his own room to Ai. He can sleep on the couch tonight. Chronoa gave a sly smile as Kai finished his chores. They both sat down at the dining table.

Why are you giving me a weird look?" Kai curiously questioned her adopted mother.

"You like Ai, aren't you?" asked Chronoa slyly.

"Huh?! Yo-You me-mean like friends, right?" Kai stuttered while replying to her mother.

"Friends, huh? You're sure about that?" Chronoa asked sarcastically.

Kai just ignored her with a blush. He couldn't deny it and said he really did like Ai. He took a deep breath and replied,

"But, I'm afraid.... Towa and Mira might end up targeting her. I don't want her to end up like Ruby. What if I was late to save her? I almost lost her because of that bastard who stabbed her. I don't want to experience things like that again." Kai's body was shaking. Before Kai could be more negative, Chronoa said to him,

"But you saved her, right?" Kai slowly calmed down and nodded in response.

Look, Kai, I don't know how to say this to you. Remember that time when you said that you would defeat Demigra? I didn't think that was possible until you proved me wrong. Now, I did say that revealing yourself as a Time Patrol to anyone else might bring danger to them, but I think you are more than enough to protect them. To protect Ai. Let go of the past, and embrace the future, okay?" Chronoa caressed her son's hair gently. Kai nodded in response as he wiped his eyes.

She then continued, "She reminds me of Ruby; that's why you like her. Fuh~ fuh~ fuh~" making Kai frustrated once more.

Kai immediately told his adopted mother that he was going to do some editing. He went to the living room, where he placed his computer, and started to edit some videos. Chronoa yawned as she went to her bedroom.


Unbeknownst to them, Ai had heard about their conversation. She was curious to hear about Kai's view of her. Kai loves her? This made the idol's face redden. But, could she love him the same way? She is a liar; her whole life was based on a lie that has been piling up since she joined the entertainment industry. She shook her head. Kai deserved someone better than her.

Before she could walk back to Kai's room, she slipped and fell to the floor.

"Ouwch!" she immediately closed her mouth, hoping that Kai hadn't heard her scream. But Kai did hear her voice and immediately went to see Ai lying down on the floor.

"Ai-san? Are you okay?" Kai was surprised. He thought that she was asleep.

"Looks like I have been caught...." Ai tried to stand up but failed.

He went up to check on her and saw that her left foot was swollen. Kai picked her up in bridal style immediately before she could protest. She ruffled her hair shyly as Kai laid her on the couch.


"What were you doing, huh?" asked Kai as he was massaging her left foot.

"I-I went t-to the toilet, you see? That's why I got slipped, hahaha...." Ai awkwardly laughed. Kai was sceptical, but he ignored it. After making sure that her foot was okay, he stopped massaging it.

"This will do for now; you just need to rest. Okay?" Ai nodded in response. Kai asked her if she wanted to go back to his room, but Ai dismissed it. It's a single bed, and it couldn't fit her if she slept with her kids. Kai apologised, saying that she could sleep on the couch instead. Ai agreed, but where will Kai be sleeping now?

"I have no problem sleeping on the floor." Kai assured Ai, but she disagreed, telling him that it was too cold. Maybe he could sleep with her?

Kai blushed as he shook his head. But Ai was adamant. Kai made every excuse imaginable. But Ai would always respond to any excuse with a smile. Until he posed the most logical question.

"How will the couch fit us?" Kai inquired, and Ai responded by saying she would sleep on top of him. Kai sucked his saliva. Ai assured him that it would be fine this way. Kai sighed and stated that whatever happened was her fault. Ai laughed at his reaction.


Sleeping with his favourite idol never crossed his mind. But now he is, with Ai on top of him. They were covered in the same blanket. His heart never stopped beating hard, and his face was red as a beet. He just hoped that this was just a dream. He glanced at Ai, seeing her already asleep. That was fast!

Actually, Ai, who was on top of him, was blushing furiously too. She just hid her face, pretending to be asleep. His body is warm. She could hear the sound of Kai's heartbeat. It's a lie if she say that she didn't enjoy this. Then she felt Kai's hands wrap around her. She yelped a little and glanced at Kai, who was asleep like a baby.

"It's cute seeing him sleep like that," Ai chuckled internally as she rested her head on his body, slowly falling asleep

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"It's cute seeing him sleep like that," Ai chuckled internally as she rested her head on his body, slowly falling asleep.


Huh, it's so hard to describe every action in detail. I hoped you guys enjoyed it.

So, please enjoy and leave a comment below. Bye bye!

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