Chapter 58: A table and a rose

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The table was well set and as far as Tzuyu could know from Kumiko's chatter, her mother as well as her aunt Kubo had prepared it. Several times Kumiko tried to get compliments from the Alpha but the latter did nothing but say a kind 'Brava' from the older girl. It wasn't because the Alpha didn't want to deliver compliments to the little girl but she was feeling rather focused on seeing what her favorite Omega did with her. Sana's uncle was already sitting with Aunt Kubo who smiled happily at her niece Sana of her where she still standing she placed the side dishes on the table. Mr. Minatozaki was already sitting at the head of the table, scowling at Tzuyu. Mrs. Minatozaki, on the other hand, was taking off her apron and then sat next to her husband. Sana had just finished doing her chores when she sat next to two empty seats. Tzuyu understood that it was an excellent opportunity to sit next to Sana, but Kumiko had been faster than her and sat between her. Tzuyu cursed mentally and then gritted his teeth forcefully. Calmly she sat up while a smiling Kumiko waited for Tzuyu to sit next to her. Sana was a little upset seeing how her Alpha sat not next to her, but she had the chance to see her as the child was very short compared to the monstrous height of her Alpha. "Always in between, right Kumiko?" her mother asked with a small smile; the little girl reciprocated with a proud little smile too. Mr. Minatozaki was happy instead of that sweet and clingy little girl always ruining everything. Tzuyu sat down in her seat chosen by the little girl who continued to look at her dreamily. Sana rolled her eyes as she saw how her father stared at the Alpha with pride. Slowly everyone took their places allowing everyone to be ready to start eating. They nodded a little thanking the banquet and then waited for Mr. Minatozaki to eat first, as was the family tradition. After the latter swallowed the first bite of dinner, all the others began to eat. Kumiko let her Alpha fill her glass of water right next to her after she had also poured it to the Omega bigger than her who kindly gave her a thank you with a smile. The chatter poured into the room as if it were a river near a stream that was almost a little torrential and that sometimes stopped to be calmed by the mild weather. Sana's mother was slowly relaxing by playing sarcastic jokes and various funny games with her aunt Kubo. Mr. Minatozaki and his mother were in the throes of a conversation about nearby houses, while Nayeon and Jihyo conversed with each other and sometimes with Uncle Kubo who luckily knew Korean as well as his wife as well as Aunt Kubo. Instead Sana was in her world and with her food, slowly savoring her dish little by little so that she could waste time also to ensure that her Alpha did not cross her eyes since the latter stared at her intensely. Kumiko on the other hand played with her hands by making her fingers walk on the table as if they were two human beings who enjoyed running after each other. "Do you want to play Tzuyu?" asked the little girl tapping with the finger that had stopped making, in a completely imaginary way, running together with the other fingers of her right hand, "I would really appreciate it if you could make Sana's face turn this way," Tzuyu said in a faint voice even if, with all this confusion in the air, it silenced the loud laughter from Mrs. Minatozaki and Aunt Kubo and also from the stupid arguments between Mr. Minatozaki and his mother. Sana heard the Alpha's little request and couldn't help but be curious about the girl's reaction, "Sana chan" Kumiko said in a cute little voice tapping the latter too gently, "Tzuyu wants me to look at her" she concluded after a while. Sana blushed for a while hiding her cheeks with her hands, after a few seconds she turned her gaze towards the Alpha for a while so that she could fulfill her request. Tzuyu gave a small nod to the Omega to make her gaze descend on her hands that were resting on her lap. She raised her head sharply seeing that there was a rose on the Alpha's legs. Sana's eyes widened as she saw how she stretched her arm behind her chairs so that she could be given to him without attracting attention from others, especially Mr. Minatozaki. She had this great idea when she politely asked to leave the table to go to the bathroom, she found herself looking out the bathroom window and saw a man walk by with red roses in his hand. He was one of those many sellers who passed by looking for some lovers so that they could get them at a good price. She took one of hers because it seemed too much to take all of her, and so she snuck it into the kitchen without attracting attention. Sana grabbed the rose and placed it on her lap to take a good look at her. Of her It was splendid for her, even if she was a little ruined, Tzuyu's thought towards her was always there and this made her more precious than all the other roses. The fact that that Alpha, even in places like a shop or even in a park, thought of her and wanted to buy him something for her made her feel special and above all the things she bought him made them more beautiful than they already were. Sana sniffed and then looked at her for the last first, then turning her gaze to Tzuyu who with a bit of expectation wanted a smile from the sweet Omega, "Thank you, Tzuyu. As always, you amaze me with your kindness" she replied thus making Tzuyu's heart feel loose and turbulent. She passed her arm over the seat of the little girl's chair who in all this was once again grappling with her fingers, to then say in that calm and gentle voice, "That's okay, I'd do anything for you, Sana." Sana smiled a bit for her accent a bit strange in speaking Japanese but in the end she called herself lucky to have such a kind and romantic Alpha next to her. But above all, Mr. Minatozaki's astute mother stared at the two with a mischievous smile as she realized how wise-cracking that serious Alpha was.

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