Chapter 43: The little Kumiko

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More days passed after Mr. Minatozaki's bad game and the family was waiting for a guest who came every day, like every year, to wish them well. She was essentially the aunt and sister of Sana's father, who happily came with presents to put under the tree. The two older cousins, but still small for Sana's age, were the nieces of Sana's mother and the Omega loved the company of Sakura and Kazuha so much, but he also preferred his younger cousin by six years. Kumiko was his cousin's name. She came every time with the hope of having her cousin all to herself but she was always dragged by her friends who found eight year old Omega so cute that they wanted her all for themselves. She rejoiced like her mother to come to the Minatozaki house, but she was a different target. Tzuyu was indifferent knowing that the guest would be a little girl and her mother who usually comes every year to bring and receive presents at the same time. "I'm too curious to know how she will dress today" Nayeon said daydreaming as she lay in the living room on the carpet playing with a little booklet of advertising, "Kumiko is always dressed by Mrs. Kubo" said Jihyo knowing the truth of the girl's dress. Sana smiled as she saw the two friends fighting over a silly outfit and how cute the little girl looked with or without a nice dress. Jihyo was very calm but her hands closed into fists every time Nayeon reproached her with something she didn't like, including the fact that Kumiko was deliciously and sweetly cute in a floral skirt, when instead Jihyo preferred the little girl in a solid color skirt. She found it really silly that her two friends were fighting over something like this. Tzuyu passed by with a handful of hazelnuts and shelled walnuts. She walked over to Sana and opened her hand with her free one, making her Omega nervous. "I know you like them," her Alpha said quietly as he slid the dried fruit onto her hand. "If you want more, I can shell them for you" said the Alpha with continuous indifference sitting down next to her and watching as the Omega, after a slight blush on her cheeks, began to taste the shelled dried fruit. The two friends stared disgustingly saccharine at the two and then stared at each other as they resumed their discussion. Tzuyu was quietly relaxed next to Sana, she felt over the moon knowing that she would have had other days to devote herself to the attention and the manifestation of love towards Sana to be able to make her understand that their relationship had to go beyond that of a simple friendship, and after having unblocked her confession, her intention was even clearer now. "Kumiko and Aunt Kobu have arrived," Mrs. Minatozaki said looking at how close Tzuyu and Sana were and so peaceful with each other. Kumiko appeared in her room with a packet of sweets in her hands. The little girl was really cute: she had bangs that went right down to her eyebrows and her almond-colored eyes gave an extra wonder to her thin but well-chubby face in the cheeks making them look really adorable when she smiled, like they do now. Her little body was slim and her long pale legs made her skirt even redder and her milky white shirt matched her light skin tone perfectly. Her brown hair was loose and fell softly over her shoulders and when she walked it stayed still and sometimes bounced back to her place. "Sana-chan!" said the little girl running as if there were no tomorrow towards the Omega. Sana had just finished eating the dried fruit that Tzuyu had kindly brought him and amazed with her cheeks a little full she took the baby with a quick grip under her armpits and then placed her on her lap giving him a little kiss on her smiling cheeks. Near the two, Tzuyu remained perplexed and at the same time eager for the same treatment that Sana had given the little girl. The woman came to the room for a few seconds nodded towards Sana and then smiled as she was gently yanked by Mrs. Minatozaki to go towards the kitchen. "Sana-chan I missed you!" said the little girl squeezing her arms around the Omega's sides and then resting her head on the girl's chest. Tzuyu didn't feel jealous or at least upset, she knew that she was a child, mostly Omega, who had a sweet family friendship with Sana; she didn't need to be alarmed, she would have a good relaxing day all the time. She closed her eyes for a second longer leaning back against the back of the sofa placing her hands on her lap while playing with her wrist watch. "Who is she?" she whispered the little girl looking at her cousin with sweet but curious eyes, "her Her name is Tzuyu and she is my ... her friend" said Sana. The two friends sitting on the floor hadn't understood a damn thing of what the two were talking about and the little girl liked this very much. She always used the fact that Sana's friends couldn't speak their native language to say something nice or tease them. "Why is it here? It doesn't taste like... Nothing sweet," said the little girl trying to smell a little more of the perfume that the girl loved, failing to understand why the latter's perfume tasted so bitter to her. According to Sana it was sweet since she had always liked coffee, for the little girl it was difficult to understand if she was sweet or not since she had never had a strong passion for coffee and had never tasted a cup of it. "She In fact she's not an Omega. She's an Alpha like your dad" Sana said touching the baby's nose laughing after hearing the baby's sweet laugh. "So you're married?" the little girl asked again. Tzuyu jumped off the sofa and with a look more than red awaited Sana's answer, "Of course not!" the Omega said embarrassed, staring at the void on the opposite side where Tzuyu was. "Sana-chan, what's wrong with the Alpha?" the girl asked again, "The Alpha knows Japanese" Tzuyu said sitting down again on the sofa at a rather big distance compared to before her. The little girl was surprised and got off her cousin's legs. She took the packet of sweets and laughed a little embarrassed seeing again the Alpha who was now looking at her. "Do you want a candy?" she asked sniffing at her and resting her head on her shoulder then smiling along with a nervous laugh. Tzuyu looked at her and then lowered her body until it reached the same height as the little girl's eyes. She took the packet of sweets and opened it and then handed it to her again "There's no need, little girl. I already have a candy in front of me, and it's really sweet" Tzuyu said lovingly and then ruffled the little girl's hair slightly, but without changing her expressionless face leaving the little girl both a little embarrassed and confused. "Do you like candy?" the little girl asked, "Of course" she replied, "So you like me?" continued Kumiko smiling and biting a candy between her teeth, "Sure" her Alpha answered again making her laugh pleasantly. Meanwhile Sana had observed the scene and had an unforgivable face: how could her cousin steal her ... her ... Well it was Tzuyu, she wasn't her girlfriend nor her Alpha, she was just a friend of hers. But because seeing her having fun with a little girl caused her great jealousy. Was it because Tzuyu had always had the most attention on her? Having a cute and sweet little girl wasn't something you made yourself invisible to people. Oddly Nayeon and Jihyo hadn't attacked her yet and that made it even more difficult for Sana to get her cousin away from Tzuyu. But why bother? She was just a little girl, she couldn't steal hers ... hers ... Well, she couldn't steal Tzuyu from him. "Can I come up?" asked the little girl touching the legs of the Alpha to ask for help to climb. The Alpha raised an eyebrow in a curious way and then let himself be convinced by the cute face of the little girl, taking her and placing her on her legs while one of her hands held his back so that she didn't fall. Sana approached the little girl and stole a candy from her package. She touched his nose with love and ate the candy with an air of provocation but she only made the little girl laugh and she began to move her fingers towards her plump cheeks, due to chewing, of her Sana. She touched them and then laughed realizing that the Omega was quite strange when she ate. Tzuyu also knew Sana's cute flaw: when she ate, she filled her cheeks with air or more food in immeasurable quantities, making them look like those of a squirrel. "Sana-chan is really pretty like this" said the little girl and then she squeezed the packet of sweets close to her, "Yes, she really is" the Alpha commented with a whisper and then leaned her back more comfortably on the sofa. The Omega was embarrassed but kept everything inside her remaining as neutral as possible to sweet Alpha's compliments. "My name is Kumiko," the little Omega suddenly said to the Alpha who was now looking at her carefree, as if there were no threat that interested her. "I Tzuyu, your cousin Sana's suitor" Tzuyu replied completely undisturbed as she announced the following words. Sana widened her eyes not understanding the real reason for delivering her message to her younger cousin, but she didn't want to go against Tzuyu's words in the end she wasn't forced to introduce herself that way. "So you like Sana-chan?" asked the little girl to better understand the Alpha's words, "Obviously" the other answered quite seriously. A rather lifeless face came upon Tzuyu, almost as if she were anxious waiting for the judgment or approval from the little girl. "And me? Do you like me?" the little girl asked nervously clinging to the Alpha's shirt and approaching the latter's face waiting with such importance for Tzuyu's answer, "Sure" the girl replied a little hesitant hoping that the little girl's sweet face would move away from her face, "Then let's get engaged!" another shock came to Sana's face. She couldn't promise that she couldn't last a day with her younger cousin and Tzuyu: Kumiko was too straightforward and pretty, while Tzuyu was always so serious but readily and wonderfully good at her compliments and flattery; having two people like that in one room put an anxiety and fear in Sana's heart, like what was happening in her heart now. Even though she was just an eight-year-old girl, jealousy started everywhere. "If things don't work out with your cousin Sana, then I'll think about it... But rest assured that there will be no chance of refusal from your cousin Sana," Tzuyu replied confidently as she slowly placed her hand on her armrest. The little girl pouted and then slammed her head against the Alpha's chest to then squeeze her shirt with her hands, precisely her shoulders rubbing Tzuyu's shirt. "I can't wait," the little girl whispered, sniffing at her. Sana walked over to the baby and picked her up again, cradling her gently in her lap along with her arms, constantly snaking around the baby's hips to make sure she was comfortable in that position. She smiled at the little girl and then touched her nose, again, making her laugh and her sad and angry pout drop from her. "The day will come for you too when someone will pay court to you, and that day you will have to wait and make your suitor wait," said Sana with her eyes closed and her air wise. Tzuyu regained some composure by sitting up straight and watching the two conversing while her hands catapulted to where was the space between her legs and then bent down comfortably for a while as if she were looking at the floor. "How come?" the little girl asked, playing with her cousin's hair. Tzuyu took the packet of sweets that had fallen on the sofa without spilling any of them. She bent down again with her head and torso staring at her hands and the packet of sweets playing with her opening, while her long legs made the large space between them where her hands were playing. "You really have to understand if your suitor is serious and make him understand that you need patience and above all attention towards you" said Sana combing her hair with one hand making it slip gently and gently over her shoulders again without causing even a little pain to the little girl who was now curiously thinking about her cousin's words. "And Tzuyu passed the test?" she asked squeezing her hands towards the nice Omega's sweatshirt, "We still have to see" the Omega answered with embarrassment immediately having the Alpha's intense gaze on her. She put Kumiko down on the ground and then said, "Better go for a walk, okay?" Kumiko didn't wait for it to be asked a second time and immediately slipped close to her cousin's side. Tzuyu got up and then approached two o'clock "It's risky to go out alone at this time. I'll go with you" Tzuyu said looking at his watch which showed exactly half past five, "Good. I'll go tell mom, Kumiko. Stay with Tzuyu" Sana said softly to the little girl as she went away towards the kitchen. "The married couple is dating their daughter," Nayeon said, laughing along with Jihyo. Tzuyu had completely forgotten about the two girls, they had been so silent in her room that she hadn't even noticed them. "The Chou family" Jihyo commented in a narrating voice as Nayeon laughed looking at the little girl's confused gaze. Unfortunately the little girl did not know their language, or else she too would have laughed along with the two girls.

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